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“Time has come for Europe to look ahead”: Cardinal Marx

COMECE president says the decision of the British electorate confronts the European Union and its Member States with questions about their goals and their tasks.


Bishops restate solidarity with refugees & persecuted Christians

“Today our witness to the distress of refugees should be a call to action.”


Persecuted Church in Pakistan sees vocations boom

Lahore seminary rector sees increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life as “a sign of God's blessing” who is “always close to his people.”


Trevi Fountain to turn red for persecuted Christians

Chaldean Catholic Bishop Antoine Audo of the Syrian city of Aleppo to speak at one of Rome's most famed tourist attractions about the plight of Christians.


ISIS persecution of Christians is genocide

Irish government urged to formally recognise genocide as criteria under the UN Convention have been met in Syria and Iraq: Aid to the Church in Need.


Bishop criticises forced return of refugees to Turkey

Pope Francis to visit the Greek island of Lesbos next week as a gesture of solidarity with migrants.


Pope laments “blind & brutal” violence of terrorism

The Easter message speaks especially to those seeking to escape from persecution and poverty.


Violence is never the answer: Archbishop Martin

"We live in a world where the name of God is used to foster attitudes and deeds which could not be farther away from the real identity of God.”


Report highlights difficulties of Nigerian Christians

In several areas the Christian presence has become virtually extinct; elsewhere congregations have grown due to an influx of Christians fleeing violence.


Syriac Catholic Archbishop of Mosul in new appeal

"Our situation is hard, our future is gloomy, and people are tired. They are waiting for a solution whereby they can restore their dignity."


Shiite leader urges return of Christians’ homes

On a visit to Dublin 'Vicar of Baghdad' Canon Andrew White recounts persecution of Christians in Middle East.


Bishop urges book clubs to study Pope’s message

"We remember in a special way during this Christmas season the plight of those Christians who have lost everything for their faith.”


Sometimes it’s difficult to say “Happy Christmas”

Bishop of Ossory says it is hard to wish a 'happy Christmas' knowing it will not be a happy Christmas for the sick, the unemployed, the bereaved, the troubled.


Walk of Light brings Advent message to the capital

“As Christmas approaches with glitter, jingles and lights in shops and streets, we set out and declare publicly and together that Christ is the light that has come into the world."


Report to highlight scale of persecution of Christians

Aid to the Church in Need to publish ‘Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2013-15’.


Pope defends Church’s teaching on marriage

God’s dream for his creation is to see it fulfilled “in the loving union between a man and a woman, rejoicing in their shared journey, fruitful in their mutual gift of self”.


Migrant crisis: Church will not be found wanting

Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin encourages parishes and deaneries to gather together to reflect on their pastoral response to "this huge crisis".


Christian bells to ring out for persecuted Christians

Parishes across Ireland urged to ring their bells for up to fifteen minutes and express solidarity with Christians suffering in the Middle East.


Special prayers to be said in Cloyne for refugees

“The loss of such high numbers of innocent lives at sea resonates strongly with the Irish experience of the ‘coffin ships’ during the time of the Great Famine” – Bishop Crean.


Pope Francis decries persecution of Christians

“I renew the hope that the international community not remain silent and inert in front of these intolerable crimes."


100m Christians face discrimination & persecution

Between November 2013 and October 2014, 4,344 Christians were killed “for reasons closely linked to their faith” and 1,062 churches were attacked.


Investiture of Archbishop Martin with pallium

Catholics and Christians “are entering a time when we will need the gift of courage to stay faithful to the teachings of the Gospel”.


Migration policy must address needs of migrants

'Welcoming the Stranger: Irish Migrant Welfare in Britain since 1957' shows that policy which endures starts with the people it serves: Bishop Kirby.


“We have sacrificed everything for our faith”

Bishops listen to "heart rending" testimony from Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Iraqi city of Mosul on the plight of his people.


ACN gave €100m in aid to persecuted Christians

Charity provided eight schools in Dohuk and Erbil in Kurdish northern Iraq to where 120,000 Christians fled last summer after attacks by so-called Islamic State.


President Higgins attends Mass for Romero

Desperate attempts by thousands of refugees to cross the Mediterranean is a challenge to ‘Christian’ Europe, which demands a coordinated and compassionate response.


100,000 Christians killed annually for their faith

Ongoing persecution is an issue that unites all Christians Bishop McAreavey tells Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade.


Church leaders seek to end migrants’ exploitation

Under a plan to be published on Wednesday, the EU is expected to impose migrant quotas on the 28 countries of the Union.


232 Christians held hostage by ISIS jihadis

"We are cut off, like an island, surrounded by jihadists from all sides", Syrian Catholic Archbishop relates, as ISIS lays siege to town.


Calls for EU-wide response to migrant drownings

“I make a heartfelt appeal to the international community to react decisively and quickly to see to it that such tragedies are not repeated" - Pope Francis.

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