“Each bishop can act as he sees fit, with the result that priests have no certainty about their retirement. Priests have no rights in this matter and depend on the goodwill of individual bishops.”
“Ireland has an international commitment to spend 0.7 percent of national income on helping the world’s poorest people, yet this budget will bring us further from this commitment” – Trócaire.
Christians err when they think there is a ‘theology of prosperity’ in which God “sees that you are just and gives you much wealth”.
ALONE research shows respondents were most concerned about being able to maintain independence on the state pension and finding themselves lonely.
Workplace exploitation, the unemployed's loss of dignity and the need for good politics highlighted by Pontiff in Naples address.
In 1994, 5.9% of people age 65 or older were ‘at risk’ of poverty. This currently stands at 9.7% of people in this age group.
New Study shows how universal pension can be funded.