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British Church leaders urge vote for good of all

The EU came together after Europe was broken “beyond description” by war, and has contributed, until recently, to more social care than at any time in European history.


Primate to lead 20km pilgrimage for peace in Rome

The “pervasive crime, gangland killings and continued threat of paramilitary violence" as well as poverty & homelessness shows "much still needs to be done to create a culture of life & prosperity for all."


NI bishops pay tribute to EU’s role in peace process

The “valuable work carried out to date to build new relationships across these islands must not be undermined.”


Pope pays tribute to women missionaries

World Mission Sunday calls the church to ‘go out’ as missionary disciples to bring the message of God’s tenderness and compassion to the entire human family.


Bishops of England & Wales reflect on EU Referendum

“The outcome will have consequences for the future not only of the United Kingdom, but for Europe and for the world.”


Religious & cultural legacy of 1916 leaders recalled

“We must commemorate 1916 in a way that respects all past differences and does not glorify violence retrospectively" - Bishop John Buckley.


Dismay at news of NI prison officer’s death

“As a society, let us be more determined than ever to work for peace and for the good of each other” - Bishop Noel Treanor.


Syria has to be foreign policy priority

"This crisis will not end until a political solution is put in place. Through the EU, Ireland has a valuable role to play," says Trócaire Director.


Europe needs to be constructive actor for peace

Peace and security policies were at the centre of the debate of the spring plenary assembly of COMECE's bishops in Brussels.


Primate pays tribute to children’s faith

On matters of faith, life and love in new children's book, Pope Francis never comes across as a ‘know-it-all’ - Archbishop Eamon Martin.


Irish bishop critical of Israeli land grab in West Bank

Bishop John McAreavey compares land grab to 16th century Irish plantations and calls for recognition of the state of Palestine by Ireland.


Pope’s January video prayer message proves a hit

The focus of the first prayer intention of the New Year is inter-religious dialogue and is “further incontrovertible evidence that Pope Francis is a man of dialogue”.


Be agents of hope Primate urges in New Year message

Commemoration of 1916 and Battle of the Somme will provide "opportunities for us to deepen our understanding of who we are as a people."


Holy Family were refugees Cork bishops highlight

As the country prepares to welcome refugees, we are "challenged to engage with the poverty, homelessness sub-standard accommodation that many are living in".


Irish scouts share peace light from Bethlehem

Light which originated in the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem is being brought to homes, churches, nursing homes and hospitals as sign of peace and unity.


Pope Francis opens Holy Door at homeless centre

“A city in which one man suffers less is a better city” - Caritas Rome founder Don Luigi Di Liegro.


Militants destroy catholic church in Aden

Church leaders pray "That peace and justice will be restored in Yemen."


‘I come as a pilgrim of peace’ – Pope Francis in CAR

"To all those who make unjust use of the weapons of this world, I make this appeal: lay down these instruments of death!"


Pope Francis begins six-day visit to Africa in Kenya

“We have a responsibility to pass on the beauty of nature in its integrity to future generations, and an obligation to exercise a just stewardship of the gifts we have received."


Archbishop Eamon launches online Advent Calendar

“This year, the beginning of our Catholic new year will coincide with our preparations for a Jubilee Year of Mercy."


‘The whole world is at war’ Pope Francis laments

“Here before the door of this Jubilee of Mercy, let us ask that the world discover the ability to weep for its crimes, for what the world does with war.”


End of an era for Bon Secours Sisters in Belfast

Departure of Sr Consilia Dennehy brings to a close congregation's presence in the city after 143 years.


Mercy theme for World Communications Day

Good communication is never merely the product of the latest or most developed technology but realised through deep interpersonal relationship.


Testimony of Arab and Jew give “hope for Middle East”

Messianic Jew and former Muslim share their stories promoting reconciliation between Arabs and Jews in churches around Ireland.


Mount Mellary recalls grotto apparitions 30 years on

Apparitions took place at the Grotto over nine consecutive days from 16 - 24 August 1985.


Pope recalls horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Nuclear bombings in August 1945 are a “symbol of the enormous destructive power of humanity when it makes a distorted use of scientific and technical progress”.


Pray for Iraq’s Christians on 7 August: Patriarch

Chaldean Catholic Church leader publishes prayer to mark first anniversary of ISIS’ overrunning of Christian villages on the Nineveh Plain in August 2014.


OLA Provincial elected new president of IMU

"The IMU has a responsibility to do what we can to keep mission alive in this country as we struggle with the many questions posed to our faith and missionary commitment."


Trócaire focuses on Sustainable Development Goals

Ireland, as a matter of urgency, must play its part in ensuring these goals are adequately financed: Eamonn Meehan of Trócaire.


Bishops offer condolences to Sousse tragedy families

Larry & Martina Hayes and Lorna Carty were “among those whose lives were stolen from them in a mindless act of violence" - Bishop Doran.

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