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parish priest

Bishop Farrell of Ossory announces clerical appointments

"It is important that parishes remain alert to the possibility that a priest who retires or is moved to another parish might not be replaced" – Bishop Farrell.


Two job vacancies in the Archdiocese of Dublin

Vacancies for parish sacristan in Monkstown and health care co-ordinator in the Archdiocese of Dublin.


Funeral Mass celebrated for murdered man from homeless community in Cork

“The next homeless person we meet, we might treat them with a little more sympathy and kindness. For whatever we do to the least of our sisters and brothers, we do it to Jesus” – Fr Howard.


Monaghan parish priest appointed new executive secretary of Bishops’ Conference

"I thank him for his outstanding service to date in our Diocese and know that you will all join with me in wishing him every blessing in his new role" – Bishop Duffy.


“Week of Witness” for persecuted Christians

We will provide the opportunity for the faithful to gather as a community and pray not only for persecuted Christians – but also for the persecutors of Christians (ACN Ireland).


Ale to the Chief! Texan PP is the toast of US brewers

It’s hard to put into words what winning the Ninkasi means to us.


Singing priest to pay tribute to his hero at special Christmas carol service

Fr Ray Kelly, who shot to fame with a performance of his own version of Leonard Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’, spoke as his parish of Oldcastle prepares for its Concert of Carols.


Shortage of priests could lead to fortnightly Masses in Limerick

The role of lay people will be of the utmost importance going forward in the Church – Bishop Brendan Leahy.


New diocesan administrator appointed in Galway

Bishop Martin Drennan's “dedicated ministry” to the diocese over the past 11 years recognised while the “high affection” he was held in by both priests and the public is highlighted.


Maynooth crisis raises questions about model of seminary formation

“I think the days of a big big seminary are over. I think if anything good comes from this it is an examination of a better way” - Fr Brendan Purcell.


Fr Ray Kelly releases new album for Christmas

“Personally I’ve enjoyed my priesthood. It’s a privileged position because as a priest we are thrown into the deep end of life with people, their joys and their sorrows.”


Louth priest shocked after webcam taken from church

“This was a massive resource for the housebound and the sick and maybe for people abroad who want to catch Mass which is streamed daily.


CofI neighbours mind cars while Catholics at Mass

Spate of car break-ins unites religious communities in Co Fermanagh town in gesture of security and solidarity.


Valentia Island to be left without resident priest

Decline in vocations makes itself felt in the Diocese of Kerry as retiring parish priest will not be replaced.


New Administrator appointed in Killaloe

Fr Des Hillery, parish priest of Nenagh, to oversee the running of the diocese until a new bishop is appointed.


Fr Ray Kelly launches new album ‘Where I Belong’

Despite becoming an internet sensation, the Co Meath parish priest has no intention of giving up his ministry to concentrate on singing.

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