The Association of Catholics in Ireland (ACI) carried out a pilot study among members in 36 parishes to explore the extent of lay leadership in the Catholic Church and the role that the laity plays in parish leadership.
“Unless there is a radical reappraisal of what a parish community should be, there can be no real progress.” —Bishop Denis Nulty
“I encourage priests and parish pastoral councils to provide opportunities for people to participate in the Year of Mercy.”
“We are being confronted with a human tragedy that requires a generous political and church partnership to help meet the needs of these vulnerable people."
"The challenge we face is not just about what the Parish Pastoral Council of 2020 will look like, but what will the Church look like in 2020."
Over 10 years ago, Archbishop Martin began promoting the concept of lay people working in partnership with clergy in running parishes.
“All of us can play our part in making such a plan work on the ground here in Ireland" - Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Dublin seminar provides concrete suggestions on how to structure the pastoral care of the sick in a parish in today’s world.
Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry leads 50th anniversary celebrations at Our Lady, Star of the Sea church in Desertegney.
Bishop concerned that so many families “labouring under strain of severe financial burdens.”
New pastoral plan distributed at Masses throughout the diocese this weekend.