Under Operation Faoisimh, An Garda Síochána has recorded a 25 per cent increase in reports of domestic abuse compared to the same period last year. Already, many refuges are at full capacity – Kelley Bermingham, Community Officer with Saint Patrick’s Cathedral.
“We will perhaps look back on these years, remembering not just COVID-19 but also a pandemic of banality that expects little for and from human beings.”
"The pandemic has revealed that ‘faith matters’, not just for faith communities but for wider society,” says Dr Gladys Ganiel.
This Saturday, in preparation for Pentecost, the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available across the Waterford and Lismore diocese in open-air venues. For the list of confession times and venues, see the diocesan website – Bishop Cullinan.
“It is important that we as Church are ready to respond to any change in the current proposed timescale” - Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
Encouraged by Pope Francis, Archbishop Eamon Martin invites grandparents and grandchildren to share their own stories this weekend – whether that’s over the phone, on social media, or by video call – about how they are “coping during the coronavirus crisis”.
“These guidelines hope to provide you with some information to help you make a well-informed decision about donating your organs after death,” said Bishop Paul Mason.
“Our interview with Fr Mike Schmitz is the first episode in a series called ‘Colloquy’. Each episode will be a recorded video call with different leaders in the Catholic world covering a range of topics,” says Edward Barrett-Shortt, co-founder of Called to More.
In addition to the lives of unborn babies that will be lost as a result of the home abortions that take place, Deputy Nolan raised the potential for devastating health outcomes that remote consultation generates for women self-administering abortion drugs – Pro Life Campaign.
The online programme has kept an open dialogue between the Derry Youth ministry team and the young people of Derry Diocese.
“It has been very difficult for us not being able to gather together in our beautiful church buildings. We’ve had to rely on spiritual communion,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh.
There were 20,313 marriages in Ireland in 2019 including 640 same-sex marriages. This equates to a crude (unadjusted) marriage rate of 4.1 per 1,000 population – statistician Carol Anne Hennessy.
"Let us not forget the efforts that lie ahead," said Ireland's Church leaders quoting the British prime minister Winston Churchill.
Most people feel helpless against the armed extremists and all the more so at this time when all the emphasis is on the coronavirus pandemic – anonymous Burkinabe priest.
The experiences of Catholic charities and clergy reflect a growing body of evidence that BAME and Gypsy, Roma, Travellers (GRT) communities are being harmed particularly by this pandemic – Bishop McAleenan.
But it could also be an opportunity for the new government to learn some lessons about how education could be designed more equitably.
“We desire the opening of our churches and access to the sacraments. Until then, we are continuing to pray and prepare," says Cardinal Vin Nichols and four other archbishops.
And honestly, I just can't wait to be a priest. This is very temporary, the circumstances are extraordinary – Brother Chris.
Every Thursday at 7 o’clock, a bishop will celebrate Mass in one of the cathedrals for the care workers. We will begin here in Westminster Cathedral – Cardinal Nichols.
Bishop Leahy will be reciting the Rosary in Mount Saint Alphonsus Church, Limerick, today at 8 p.m., which will stream on novena.ie.
“Mary, Consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your children in distress and pray that God will stretch out his all-powerful hand and free us from this terrible pandemic, so that life can serenely resume its normal course,” prays Pope Francis.
"Vulnerable women in unsatisfactory domestic circumstances are particularly at risk," says Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB.
85 per cent think we will value family more after this, 75 per cent say we will value the elderly more, and 31 per cent think society will become more spiritual – Brendan Conroy of The Iona Institute.
Accord’s Relationship Support Phone Line is open 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Digital outreach ramps up while in-person gatherings for prayer and fellowship remain suspended – FOCUS.
"We will come through this, hopefully as better people, strengthened by the experience," says Archbishop of Armagh.
The God who is our Father is forever creator, life-giver. Not in spite of darkness, pain and death but in and through them – Bishop Brendan Kelly.
We are apart but still part of our communities through TV and radio. I hope you will take advantage of the options available to follow the Easter ceremonies over the coming days – Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly.
People are praying more at home, which has become, as at the beginning of Christianity, the “domestic Church”.
There are many people feeling alone and isolated at the moment and we hope that our short pieces of audio can assist people in living Holy Week in their homes – Archbishop Eamon Martin.