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Wexford Adoration Sisters move from convent of 144 years

“We celebrate the Eucharist and the Divine Office in choir every day” – Adoration Sisters.


Dominican joy as Sr Mary Cathy makes her Solemn Profession

"Today is the triumph of grace in the life of our sister. She is giving herself, consecrating herself in a public act of worship in the Church, for the Church, to Christ” - Fr John Harris OP.


Two priests ordained for Dublin

Like St Laurence O'Toole "we need a faith where theology and prayer, witness and care of the poor belong together and can influence the world around us and make society more loving" - Archbishop of Dublin.


Three men ordained to the priesthood over the weekend

Describing prayer as the wellspring of all Christian life, Bishop Kelly said this was the example Jesus showed and priests' whole being and every utterance must be founded on prayer.


Former BBC journalist turned nun receives the veil

Martina Purdy and former family lawyer Elaine Kelly embark on the next stage of their journey into religious life, as Adoration Sisters welcome new postulant.


New Sister professed for Dominicans in Cabra

"Our freedom is not license but has within it the demands and choice of personal and communal responsibility.”


Religious life is called to play an essential role

Christian ethic of self-giving and generosity challenges the Church, which is called never to be self-promoting: Archbishop Martin.

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