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National Centre for Liturgy

Primate pays tribute to Irish Church Music Association’s ministry

“You know that when music of beauty is chosen, which is inspired by our faith, and is offered to God from the very best of our efforts, God can work through it to inspire the souls of others, nourish their faith, and bring them closer to him.”


Lead us not into temptation?

Italian bishops introduce new translation of line from the Lord's Prayer, but Irish bishops have no immediate plans to change the wording.


Religious art competition launched

“As religious art, these works must awaken awareness of Christ’s presence in us and to us in our home environment. They must speak of the timeless Christian values of love, forgiveness, redemption and everlasting life” – Brian Quinn.


Pope ordains 11 to the priesthood on Vocations Sunday

‘God has committed some work to me which he has not committed to another. No one is unimportant to God.'


Maynooth to mark anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy one of the first issues considered by Vatican II.

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