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Thai Catholic bishops announce ‘Holy Year’

First Plenary Council of the Catholic Church in Thailand to be held in April 2015.


Time to rebuild trust between Church & media

"The Church and media share similar goals - to seek out the truth and highlight injustice," Archbishop Eamon Martin tells Radharc Trust awards ceremony.


Jesuits celebrate 200th anniversary of Restoration

The Society was suppressed in 1773 by Pope Clement the XIV and restored in 1815 by Pope Pius VII.


Ploughing2014: Church in the ‘market square’

Priests, Religious and lay people promote faith and mission alongside all things agricultural.


Symposium explores Ratzinger’s theology

Over forty scholars gather in Maynooth to discuss pope emeritus' theological anthropology.


CatholicIreland.net celebrates 12th anniversary

“We have, since the 'getgo' traditionally been innovators."


Father of Friar Alessandro training to be a deacon

'Voice from Assisi' on tour in Ireland this week.


Diocese of Cloyne to roll out parish pastoral councils

Bishop concerned that so many families “labouring under strain of severe financial burdens.”


Attempted rape of nuns in Central African Republic

Two nuns from Europe and volunteer sexually assaulted in Seleka attack on mission near Chad border.


Archbishop Neary highlights discipleship and mission

JPII awards aim to inspire young people to greater participation in their local Church.


Radio documentary pays tribute to slain Irish missionary

Programme recalls murder of Fr Rufus Halley in Philippines in 2001.


Irish aid agencies launch emergency appeal for Syria

Trócaire and Concern have launched emergency appeals for Syria. Trócaire warns that the situation in the region threatens to reach catastrophic levels following the dramatic deterioration in the situation in Syria and neighbouring countries.

“Over eight million people are in urgent need of humanitarian aid,” said Maurice McQuillan, Trócaire’s Head of Humanitarian [...]


Bishops ask faithful to pray with Pope for coming of ‘Gospel of Life’

The Catholic bishops of Ireland have asked the faithful in parishes all over the country to join Pope Francis this weekend in praying in support of the “Gospel of Life”.  Celebrating the encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae, Pope Francis will join in the special event entitled, ‘Believing, May They Have Life’ which [...]


Minister pays tribute to “enormous work” of Irish missionaries

The Minister of State for Trade and Development, Joe Costello, has paid tribute to the “enormous work” done by Irish missionaries throughout the world.

Speaking to ciNews following his address to the ‘Mission, Today and Tomorrow’ conference in All Hallows in Dublin, Minister Costello said, “We feel that the work that they [...]


Parishioners are with me says singing priest

A member of the singing sensation, The Priests, says that the people of his two parishes are “very much part of the journey” and when he sings,  he brings them with him.

Fr Martin O’Hagan is part of the internationally acclaimed classical music group called the Priests, made up of three [...]


Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith

Fr Robert Barron has written this book as the script for a ten-part documentary 'Catholicism'. It is part of the New Evangelization to promote the Christian gospel in the third millenium.


Stepping Stones to Other Religions – Dermot Lane

Dermot A. Lane presents a hopeful book that could enable serious dialogue to develop between religions and so contribute to peaceful co-existence in the world of tomorrow.


Catholic Voices: Putting the case for the church …

A contemporary apologetics, covering questions such as: the Church and politics, equality and religious freedom, defending the unborn. Editors: C. Jamison, A. Ivereigh and K. Griffin.


Missionary Memoirs

294 pp. The Columba Press. To purchase this book online, go to www.columba.ie

THE BOOKThe author gives an account of his visits to missionary countries on all the continents over a period of half a century. He offers vivid [...]


The place of Christian Ashrams in the journey towards spiritual perfection

44 pp. A manuscript for private circulation among Christian Ashramites and well-wishers of Ashram by Swamy Saranananda (Fr Korko Moses SJ).

ContentsIntroduction1. Stages in Spiritual Evolution2. Place of ashrams in the spiritual evolution3. Place of monastic and religious life in the spiritual evolution4. Monastic or Religious [...]


Young evangelists

Mary Maume looks at the Kairos Retreat experience and how this form of youth ministry can be a means for growth in personal faith.


The myth of the perfect parent

Carmel Wynne challenges the notion that parents must be perfect and argues that mothers, especially, must look after themselves, after their own physical and emotional needs – for the good of the whole family.


Mission in the 21st century: exploring the five marks of global mission

This collection of essays from people engaged in mission in a variety of contexts around the world shows that there isn’t just one, but many and various, narratives of mission. It is especially in the context of cultural pluralism that the editors invited the contributors to write. What emerges is [...]



Pat Connor explains how SVD and SSpS missionaries are working through VIVAT International to help the UN develop solutions to the world’s problems.


The new evangelization of Catholics in a new language

Seán MacGabhann is an Irish-born Roman Catholic priest ministering in Canada. He sees relationship with Jesus as central to Catholicism. So his book is really a campaign to turn Catholics from concern with the institution to personal intimacy with Jesus: from head to heart, from power to service, from complexity [...]


In Mexico’s Mountains

Tom Cahill writes about an Irish SVD missionary, Paul Merne from Carlow, who has been living and working among the Otomi and Zapotec Indians in Mexico since 1979.


Four months in a country town

Paul Andrews SJ recounts his time with the parish priest in a New Zealand parish and how the way of life there gives expression to the gospel message in the 21st century.


Faces of the other

Raymund J Festin SVD from the Philippines writes about his work in Angola, where he learned some important lessons on being a missionary.


Begin with the heart: recovering a sacramental vision

In this book, Daniel O’Leary develops two themes that are central to the Catholic Education Service(CES) of the religious education programme document of the Bishops of England and Wales. These are: “the Catholic imagination” and “the sacramental vision”. The book is inspired by “On the Way to Life”, an interpretive [...]


A front-line missionary

Pat Brennan, an Irish Divine Word missionary, talks about his 27 years working in Brazil with Tom Cahill.

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