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ACP welcomes Pope’s new law on liturgical translations

The motu proprio ‘Magnum Principium’ comes into effect on 1 October 2017. It decentralises the process for approving translations of liturgical texts, and returns responsibility back to national bishops’ conferences.


New translation of the missal in Irish due in the autumn: Primate

Archbishop Eamon Martin would like to see more parishes, not just those in the Gaeltacht, introduce regular Sunday worship in the Irish language.


Bishops conference marks centenary of Cumann na Sagart

Association asked to promote An Leabhar Aifrinn (the Irish language translation of the new edition of the Missal) which is expected to become available in 2017.


Pope decrees women’s feet can be washed

Change has been made in order that the Holy Thursday liturgy “might express more fully the meaning of Jesus' gesture in the Cenacle ... His limitless charity.”


Former hurler to be ordained to the priesthood

Four men to be ordained this weekend for the dioceses of Armagh, Cashel & Emly and Clogher.


Bishops and ACP discuss vocations crisis

Radical proposals include ordination of women as deacons, inviting back men who left priesthood to marry and ordination of married men of good standing.

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