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Bishop Nulty pays tribute to ‘powerful’ witness of diaconate

Kildare and Leighlin becomes fifth Irish diocese to restore ancient ministry.


Dromore to ordain its first permanent deacons on Sunday

Historic moment for diocese as two married men prepare for ordination.


The future of Religious Life in Ireland

Sr Marianne O’Connor, the outgoing Director-General of CORI, reflects on recent changes and the way forward for religious life.


Many are called: rediscovering the glory …

The call to serve God as a priest is both a challenge and a blessing. This book by Scott Hahn discusses the many roles of the priest: provider, mediator, protector, teacher and more.


No Second Chance: Reflections of a Dublin…

'This book is an honest analysis of my experience of church over forty years of priesthood, but it is not an autobiography in the strict sense'. By Martin Tierney


Still falls the rain

War causes so much waste. In this poignant story set in Florida, John J. McCullagh reflects on how the Vietnam War affected some lives.


Communion + Friendship = Liberation!

Andrew Carvell outlines how the annual Rimini Festival of faith and friendship, the largest Catholic cultural event in Europe, manages to attract up to one million Catholics annually.


The risk of discipleship

Roderick Stronge, Rector of the Beda College in Rome, is aware of the controversies surrounding the Catholic priesthood, but what he focuses on is the essential nature of ministerial priesthood and its pastoral practice, and restoring it to its place of honour.


Moving on? Catholic ministry in Ireland

Caitriona McClean presents twelve interviews she conducted with people involved for many years in pastoral ministry in Ireland. They are frank and open conversations, easy to read and with an infectious energy.


Ministry now: new approaches for a changing Church

Martin Kennedy gathers together a series of reflections on his own experience of ministry in contemporary Irish culture, offering practical approaches to evangelisation, justice and working together with others. He writes from a context of working with others honestly and respectfully, convinced that the Spirit is alive and active in [...]


The Death of Religious Life

Tony Flannery recounts the development of ‘religious life as he has experienced it from the time he entered, in the fifties, until the present day. He suggests that the seeds of the present decline were already being sown early on and questions whether a new form of religious life will [...]

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