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Minister for Justice

Huge settlement for ex nun wrongly accused of rape

Settlement of €500,000 for Nora Wall after she was wrongly convicted of rape 17 years ago on evidence witness later admitted fabricating.


EU response to refugee crisis inadequate: Trócaire

Bishops and catholic aid agency concerned over the pace of the EU and Irish response to the plight of thousands of refugees.


Call for law to protect trafficked sex workers

Sexual Offences Bill will be an opportunity to “wreck the business model” for pimps and traffickers and ensure that Ireland is no longer a safe haven for such crimes.


Stop criminalising women in prostitution: Ruhama

New outreach van to help women involved in street-based prostitution launched.


Catholic delegation meets NI Minister for Justice

“It is simply frightening that this document from the Minister would even consider it an option that a terminally ill child would receive no intervention after it is born."


Charities Regulatory Authority established

“This is a watershed moment for transparency for charities in Ireland," Ivan Cooper, Director of Advocacy at The Wheel.


National missing persons day launched by Justice Minister

Priest appeals to anybody with information on the missing or the disappeared to come forward.


Call for cross border action on human trafficking

In 2011, Ruhama worked with victims of trafficking from 20 different countries.

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