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2020 is UN WHO International Year of the Nurse and Midwife

“Nursing and Midwifery embodies the best of human endeavours, positively contributing to the health and well-being of so many lives," says European Federation of Nurses Associations President, Elizabeth Adams.


Nurses, midwives and pharmacists call for conscientious objection to abortion

Participation in termination of pregnancy is morally objectionable and conflicts with our conscientious commitment to life – Nurses & Midwives4Life Ireland.


Conscientious objection rights for medical professionals to be protected

There is a pressing need for statutory conscience rights which actually protect those who need protection. The current law fails to do this, so this Bill is a necessary


Irish missionary nun awarded honorary fellowship

The award was made to Sr Hilary, a member of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Rosary, for her contribution to health services in Sierra Leone over 42 years.

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