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Middle East

‘Europe is a project of reconciliation not division’

President of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), Cardinal Reinhard Marx comments on the Greek crisis.


Bishops offer condolences to Sousse tragedy families

Larry & Martina Hayes and Lorna Carty were “among those whose lives were stolen from them in a mindless act of violence" - Bishop Doran.


ACN gave €100m in aid to persecuted Christians

Charity provided eight schools in Dohuk and Erbil in Kurdish northern Iraq to where 120,000 Christians fled last summer after attacks by so-called Islamic State.


President Higgins attends Mass for Romero

Desperate attempts by thousands of refugees to cross the Mediterranean is a challenge to ‘Christian’ Europe, which demands a coordinated and compassionate response.


100,000 Christians killed annually for their faith

Ongoing persecution is an issue that unites all Christians Bishop McAreavey tells Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade.


Women and girls rescued from Boko Haram

The Nigerian army has found graves containing hundreds of decomposing bodies including those of women and children in Damasak, Borno State.


Syrian bishop appeals to US over aid to extremists

The conflict in Syria could come to an end much more quickly if the US would pressure its allies to stop aiding extremist groups: Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart of Aleppo.


Govt urged to press EU on persecuted Christians

Persecution is intensifying, Archbishop Neary warns, with ancient Christian communities driven from their lands through ethnic cleaning.


Israeli court halts wall from dividing monastery

Court overruled plan that would have divided the Cremisan monastery, near Bethlehem, stating that it “violated the rights” of the people of Beit Jala.


Call for diplomatic efforts on Syria to be redoubled

Some 11.4 million people forced from their homes by the conflict which has resulted in more than 220,000 deaths.


Archbishop detects mood of uncertainty at Davos

Crisis of leadership and income inequalities are among key issues under discussion at this year’s gathering of the world’s political and business elite.


Gaza conditions are “an assault on human dignity”

Archbishop Kieran O’Reilly and Bishop Ray Browne appeal to Irish people to hear and respond to the cries of the people of Gaza.


Group of sixteen bishops highlight Gaza suffering

Tens of thousands of families lack adequate shelter while the blockade "dramatically impedes rebuilding" and contributes to desperation, bishops warn.


Events in Paris last week shocked us: Archbishop

"It was an attack on a city, on a nation, on a culture, and on democracy."


Orthodox Churches celebrate Christmas

45,000 people said they were Orthodox Christians in the last census in Ireland (2011), up from 250 in the 1990s.


‘Religious freedom is at the heart of human rights’

Speaking on World Day for Peace, Bishop of Cork & Ross says “Turning to violence in the name of religion is a perversion of everything that a religion stands for.”


Figures show ‘Francis Effect’ is still drawing crowds

Nearly 6 million people attended papal events at the Vatican in 2014.


Primate heartened by news from Stormont

"It is good to see ‘Heads of Agreement’ rather than ‘Headlines of Disagreement’ emerging from the talks."


Pope expresses his esteem for Mid East Christians

The Pope says he follows daily reports of the “enormous suffering endured by many people in the Middle East.”


Irish church leaders pray for Christians in Middle East

In their Christmas messages, Catholic and Church of Ireland bishops express concern for those living in the "grip of fear".


Every 5 minutes a Christian dies in the Middle East

Greek Orthodox priest in Nazareth warns "What is happening is genocide."


Bishops regret suspension of UN food scheme

Chair of Trócaire, Bishop William Crean, expresses “grave concern” for the 1.7 million Syrian refugees dependent on World Food Programme voucher scheme.


Pope urges Muslims to take a stand on terrorism

Ecumenical Patriarch and Pope's joint declaration condemns global indifference to ISIS persecution of Christians.


Govt urged to send diplomatic mission to Syria

President of Caritas Syria, Bishop Antoine Audo SJ, describes conditions in Aleppo, ravaged by four years of conflict.


Cardinal shocked by killing of couple in Pakistan

Lawyer for Shahzad and Shama Masih says young couple were beaten by an angry Muslim mob on Tuesday and then burned alive.


“Cut off arms to Isis as first step to peace in Syria”

Religious who lived in Syria speaks of plight of Christians and the need to cut off arms supply to extremists and establish all-party talks.


Pope decries indifference to Mid East Christians

Pontiff and Vatican Secretary of State call for an adequate response to Christians' suffering by the international community to prevent new genocides.


Archbishop Welby condemns IS militants’ brutality

"We are seeing an extreme religious ideology that knows no limits in its persecution of those who are culturally or religiously different."


Archbishop prays for Irish peace-keepers

Archbishop Martin also suggests "Church must find new ways of listening to the special witness of married couples."


Parishes urged to support ‘Walk to Church’ initiative

“I hope the initiative might focus prayers and generosity on displaced Christians and the persecuted minorities of Iraq and the Middle East.”

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