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McVerry Trust

Fr Peter McVerry’s challenging new book launched in Dublin

“It is unlikely that you will not be moved to share Fr McVerry’s compassionate anger at the suffering of so many, or his desire for profound social change.”


Fr McVerry awarded ‘Spirit of Mother Jones’ honour

“We are satisfied that Mother Jones, if she was alive today, would have been very proud of Fr Peter for his ability to highlight the social injustice of homelessness.”


Homelessness will increase warns Fr McVerry

2013 was a year marked by rising numbers of people presenting as homeless.


Fr Peter McVerry to be awarded the Freedom of Dublin

Recognition for social justice campaigner's long commitment to those on the margins.


Homelessness “worse than ever” according to Fr McVerry

Jesuit urges Government to step up to its responsibilities to address the lack of housing.

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