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Mater Dei

Mater Dei survey to focus on ‘The Coronavirus, the Church and You’

"Will virtual ministry become part of the post-pandemic landscape, and will this be a good move for your church?" ask the Mater Dei research team.


Armagh to get new bishop on Sunday

Fr Michael Router’s elevation to the hierarchy was announced by Pope Francis in May this year. The 54-year-old Cavanman will be appointed the titular bishop of Lugmad.


Mater Dei Centre wants your opinion on adult religious education in Ireland

The Adult Religious Education and Faith Development (AREFD) research project is set to run for the next three years following a major grant by the north-east province of the Presentation Sisters.


Environmental action on the agenda at Knock on Saturday

Guest speakers at the event will be Trócaire’s head of policy and advocacy, Lorna Gold, and the former president of Mater Dei, Fr Dermot Lane.


Crosscare take delivery of Pope’s car, registration 182-D-9093

The vehicle was donated to the charity to help its work with homeless families.


Holy Cross College Clonliffe to be sold to the GAA

“It is no longer financially sustainable or prudent for the diocese to retain a property of this size and scale, which is no longer fit for its purposes”.


Mater Dei providing emergency housing for homeless families

The crisis of homelessness and poverty persists right across our diocese and our country


Frank Duff’s care for unmarried mothers and their children praised

According to Finola Kennedy, the Legion of Mary founder sought to help unmarried mothers, not stigmatise them, and he was opposed to separating mothers from their children.


Concern over projections for Dublin archdiocese

The Diocesan Council of Priests sees the report as an opportunity for deep reflection “rather just a focus on stark statistics” - Fr Gareth Byrne.


Bishops mark 50th anniversary since end of Vatican II

Anniversary is also a time to review, to recommit to renewal and to discern what the Spirit today is saying to the Church.


Title deeds don’t guarantee Catholic ethos: Martin

In the current debates about Catholic schools there is often so much emphasis on ownership and rights to ownership from the Church side.


Tackling climate change comes with a cost: Minister

Politicians and theologians grapple with Laudato Si at the National Conference on Climate Change and the Environment in Balally.

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