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Increasingly difficult to express marriage views

Bishop of Elphin warns that many who support Church's teaching on marriage wonder if they are entitled to express this view publicly anymore.


National Eucharistic Congress to be held in Knock

September Congress will be an opportunity to reflect on the fruits of IEC2012 and a preparation for the International Congress in Philippines in 2016.


Archbishop made no call for conscience clause

Transcript shows Diarmuid Martin commented on freedom of conscience without making any specific proposal in relation to marriage referendum.


ACP won’t be adopting position on referendum

Association of Catholics in Ireland host ‘Open Forum on the Family’.


Archbishop Martin pays tribute to “great families”

Letters sent to Archbishop from no supporters in marriage referendum containing "obnoxious, insulting and unchristian" language towards gay and lesbian people.


Reflect before you change marriage: bishops

"Mothers and fathers bring different, yet complementary, gifts and strengths into a child's life".


Church must listen to married couples: Archbishop

The sacrament of marriage is a sacrament given for the building up of the Church.


Family challenges leave couples reluctant to marry

Address by Bishop Kevin Doran on ‘The Synod on the Family and its Implications for our Understanding of Marriage’.


Support for marriage and the family remains strong

Survey carried out for ACCORD finds marriage remains a desirable outcome for most people and most expect it to be for life.


Armagh initiates discussions ahead of Synod

Office of Pastoral Renewal and Family Ministry to facilitate public gatherings in 17 pastoral areas where responses will be sought to the questions posed in Lineamenta.


Parents may need to limit number of children: Pope

Pontiff calls for responsible parenthood saying, "Some think that ... in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No."


Pope warns of ideological colonisation of marriage

Unscheduled visit to home for street children following reports of authorities throwing children into detention centres to clear Manila for papal visit.


Serving the family is one of Church’s essential duties

On the feast of the Holy Family, Archbishop Neary suggests that “An awareness of the beauty of marital love must be constantly renewed and safe-guarded."


Referendum is on the meaning of marriage: Bishop

In his Christmas message, Bishop Kevin Doran says the equal dignity of every person is beyond doubt.


Preparatory document released for 2015 synod

Lineamenta outlines a summary of the main points of last October's final report and adds an additional 46 questions which bishops are asked to reflect on.


Dublin to hold dialogue on enhancing family life

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin urges every parish and organisation concerned with the future of Christian marriage to take part in conversation.


Bishops outline opposition to redefining marriage

New pastoral statement says "Marriage should be reserved for the unique and complementary relationship between a woman and a man.”


Redefining marriage is a mistake: Bishop Doran

Extending civil marriage to include a relationship between people of the same sex will change the meaning of marriage.


Integrity of marriage under attack: Cardinal Burke

Growing confusion and error about marriage "will weaken seriously if not totally compromise the Church’s witness” US prelate warns.


Family needs rediscovery as agent of evangelisation

Bishop of Limerick reminds conference on marriage and the family that “people need to be accepted in the concrete circumstances of life."


Movement supporting marriage “affirmed” by synod

Final Synod document's emphasis on the importance of accompanying couples, especially in early years of marriage, praised by Marriage Encounter.


Throw-away culture undermines marriage: Pope

"Marriage should not be seen just as a social rite" Pontiff tells members of Schoenstatt movement.


Change guest list for next year’s Synod: ACI

“In a more equal Church there would be lay people involved in determining the guest list as well as on it,” married couple tell ACI conference.


Archbishop welcomes Extraordinary Synod message

The biggest challenge: how to open a dialogue with men and women where they are and lead them to a better idea of the Christian understanding of marriage.


Individualism of selfie culture has dark side: Bishop

5th centenary celebrations of the birth of Carmelite St Teresa of Avila launched in Ireland.


O’Loan seeks equality in Church’s decision-making

Irish peer urges Church to ordain women as deacons.


Church must listen to married couples: Archbishop

Lived experience and struggle of spouses can help find more effective ways of expressing fundamental elements of Church teaching Archbishop Martin tells Synod.


Open letter to Synod says family is bulwark of society

International marriage experts warn synod delegates that children need marriage and their mothers and fathers to raise them together.


Pope Francis marries 20 couples in St Peter’s

Couples are reminded that marriage is “a demanding journey, at times difficult, and at times turbulent”.


Teams of Our Lady celebrate 50 years in Ireland

Movement has "stood the test of time" but needs to move outwards and spread the message to other couples.

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