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Marriage Encounter

Up the Union! Twelfth of July might become a day for Catholic celebration of marriage

Today is World Marriage Day in the United States, when prayers are said for all married couples at all parish Masses. We may soon see a similar observance in Ireland, but on July 12th, Feast Day of SS Louie and Zélie Martin, the Church's first canonised couple.


Vatican conference to focus on role of the elderly

“I see this conference as an endorsement of the key role the elderly play in our Church and in society today. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI recognised that critical role when he wrote a special Prayer for Grandparents in 2008” - Bishop Denis Nulty.


Retrouvaille marks 20 years of revitalising marriages

Programme has saved hundreds of marriages in Ireland over two decades and there is a determination to grow the supports for marriage and family life.


Conference aims to nourish & encourage lay groups

“There is a whole world out there and I think it is very important that we don’t become holy huddles with our own people and our own groups."


Movement supporting marriage “affirmed” by synod

Final Synod document's emphasis on the importance of accompanying couples, especially in early years of marriage, praised by Marriage Encounter.

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