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Marriage breakdown

Streamlined annulment process comes into effect

Motu proprio ‘The Lord Jesus, the Gentle Judge’ is intended to show the Church’s “closeness to wounded families”.


Annulment reform doesn’t solve issue of divorced

President of the German bishops’ conference says the problem of Catholics who are divorced and remarried must be addressed by the synod.


Pope substantially reforms annulment process

“It will probably not help Catholics who are validly married and who unfortunately are in trouble with their relationship.”


ACI & Archbishop discuss marriage and the family

The bishops are to set up a special review group to examine how best the Church can continue to support marriage and family life in Ireland.


Synod without married laity will lack authority: ACI

"Priests who left the Church to marry should be invited back and would bring the experience of marriage to their ministry."


ACP won’t be adopting position on referendum

Association of Catholics in Ireland host ‘Open Forum on the Family’.


Increase in demand for ACCORD’s two key services

15,200 people attended marriage preparation courses in 2013 while ACCORD delivered 50,952 counselling hours.


Children from catholic backgrounds unaware of God

Bishop warns faith in God pushed from homes to the sidelines.

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