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Marie Collins

Pontifical secret abolished for cases of sexual abuse

Dioceses can no longer “quote the pontifical secret to avoid either cooperating or sharing with the authorities” Archbishop Charles Scicluna warns.


Benedict XVI blames clerical paedophilia crisis on 1960s

Catholic commentators dismayed by claims that the crisis stems from the sexual revolution, the disappearance of God from public discourse and liberal theological ideas that eroded morality after Vatican II.


There is still mistrust of Church in Ireland over abuse, says Primate

“The example of Ireland is a very good one if the Church would look at it more closely and extrapolate from it out to the wider Church and then from that into society, in areas where there are not good practices” – anti-abuse campaigner Marie Collins.


Vatican child protection meeting given seven-point action plan by Irish clerical abuse survivor

The secrecy surrounding the Church's accountability process for those failing to report child abuse increases the pereception that there is no process in place, says Irish clerical abuse survivor Marie Collins.


Abuse survivor fears February summit won’t deliver concrete action plans

Marie Collins tells We Are Church gathering, “If there is no consistent agreement across the Church as to what is sexual abuse of a minor, then how can we have any hope of consistent handling of the issue?”


Vatican expresses “shame and sorrow” at latest clerical child abuse revelations

“Victims should know that the Pope is on their side. Those who have suffered are his priority, and the Church wants to listen to them to root out this tragic horror that destroys the lives of the innocent.”


WMOF2018 already setting new records

"We have the highest number of individuals registered of any World Meeting of Families with just over 30,000” WMOF2018 Secretary General, Fr Timothy Bartlett has highlighted.


Cardinal O’Malley reappointed president of PCPM

Nine new members appointed to the Commission, and seven of the previous members reappointed including Jesuit, Fr Hans Zollner and Mgr Robert Oliver from Boston.


Pope was informed about Chilean bishop in 2015

A photograph shows Marie Collins handing a letter written to the Pope by Juan Carlos Cruz, detailing Karadima's abuse and Barros' role, to Cardinal Sean O'Malley.


Marie Collins welcomes Pope’s decision to investigate Chilean bishop

Archbishop Charles Scicluna has been tasked with examining new information in the case of Bishop Juan Barros who has been accused by victims of Fr Fernando Karadima of covering up the priest's sexual abuse.


Pope replaces Cardinal Müller as CDF Prefect

Former head of doctrinal watchdog rejects suggestions that he was let go over his theological differences with Pope Francis, notably over Amoris Laetitia.


Pope Francis appoints Irish priest to CDF role

Mgr John Kennedy from Dublin is to oversee the disciplinary section of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which processes clerical sex abuse cases.


Marie Collins takes CDF chief to task over treatment of abuse commission

“It appears that for you, the concern that the local bishop might feel disrespected far outweighs any concern about disrespecting the survivor.”


Marie Collins resigns

“I find it impossible to listen to public statements about the deep concern in the Church for the care of those whose lives have been blighted by abuse, yet to watch privately as a congregation in the Vatican refuses to even acknowledge their letters,” said Marie Collins.


Tributes paid to Cardinal Desmond Connell

"I think in the beginning he had no idea of the extent of the problem. But he was the one who said ... we have to know ... I admire his courage ... because it wasn’t an easy thing” – Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


Vatican safeguarding commission launches new website

www.protectionofminors.va provides resources across four categories: ‘Healing and Care’, ‘Guidelines’, ‘Education’, and the ‘Day of Prayer [for the Victims and Survivors of Sexual Abuse]’.


Bishops must report abuse allegations: O’Malley

President of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors reiterates bishops must report all suspected cases of sexual abuse to civil authorities.


Marie Collins explains Saunders impasse

“Any expectation that the Commission can attack or demand things of the Pope or insert themselves in particular cases ignores the mandate."


Clerical abuse survivor leaves Vatican commission

“The commission members took a vote and apart from one abstention they agreed that they could no longer continue to work with me.”


Pope will be told of concerns over Chilean bishop

Cardinal O'Malley "listened carefully to all our concerns and will be bringing them to the Holy Father in the next week” - Marie Collins.


Pope criticised over his comment on smacking

Clerical abuse survivor, Marie Collins, and former president, Dr Mary McAleese, reject Pontiff's stance on corporal punishment for children.


Church must place survivors at its centre

"A Church which talks about a preferential option for the poor must show unflinchingly a preferential option for those who have been victims of abuse" - Archbishop Martin.


Clerical abuse survivors to meet Pope today

Two Irish survivors among group of six to outline their suffering to Pope Francis.


Pope announces meeting with clerical abuse survivors

Irish survivor to be among group of eight representatives to meet Pontiff in June.


More survivors to join Vatican abuse commission

Pope to address the commission once all members have been appointed.


Italian bishops defend decision on abuse reporting

Guidelines exempt bishops from reporting abuse cases to civil authorities.


Vatican role for Marie Collins welcomed

Her voice is that of someone "not afraid to call the leadership in the Church to responsibility.”


Vatican appoints Marie Collins to anti abuse panel

Four women among three clergy and five laity from eight different countries on panel.


Abuse survivors slate ACP’s ‘mistake’ euphemism

Exclusion of elderly priests from ministry because of a 'mistake' in earlier life questioned.


Church cannot afford to let its guard down on safeguarding

Archbishop warns “sexual predators will seek out our weak points and break through the weaknesses of our systems.”

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