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Vatican watcher Marco Politi to discuss Pope Francis in TCD talk

The author of ‘Pope Francis Among the Wolves: The Inside Story of a Revolution’, said the wolves in the title of his book refer to conservatives who don’t want change.


The Church is a protector and guarantor of true pluralism

“In our age of flattened earth, narrowed horizons, conformity to a shallow consumerism and superficial variety that masks a deeper conformity, the role of the Church is to be the Church."


“Time has come for Europe to look ahead”: Cardinal Marx

COMECE president says the decision of the British electorate confronts the European Union and its Member States with questions about their goals and their tasks.


Laity mustn’t be left on margins by synod process

Irish Church’s reform groups highlight need for baptised to get involved in the debates going on at the synod.


Loyola Institute explores role of theology in the university

Head of German Research Council discusses challenges and contributions of theology.

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