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Belfast 2018 Rally for Life – A mother speaks

“Our Laws against abortion in Ireland saved not only my twin baby daughters lives but also my own, because the guilt and shame for killing my babies would have consumed me totally and led me down the path of suicide”. Our laws mattered because my babies matter”

Yvonne Morgan, whose twins [...]


“The fight is changed, not ended” – Ciara Ferry

As eyes turn to what happens next, pro-life campaigners are energetic about the future and refusing to concede this result as the end of the story, says Ciara Ferry in her post-referendum report.


Is today the last day of constitutional protection for the unborn?

“No” campaigners appeal to undecided voters torn over hard cases to demand laws reflecting their views and reject abortion on request.


Referendum is not about maternal healthcare say Obstetricians

Last chance to “Stand up for life” at monster rally in Dublin today.


Don’t be silenced by Google Ad ban say No campaigners

Ad ban will affect No side 100% more than Repeal side as mainstream media “dominated by Yes side talking points,” says Iona.


“This is a watershed moment in Irish society” – Bishop Crean

Seven bishops issue pastoral letters on Eighth Amendment over bank holiday weekend in a bid to influence more people to vote No in the upcoming referendum.

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