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Lord David Alton

People are only hearing sterilised version of abortion, PLC conference hears

“People don’t want to think about the brutality of what happens to the baby but when you’ve worked in an abortion clinic or thought about it, there is no escaping what it entails” – Abby Johnson.


Conference will focus on reality of legalised abortion

Former director of International Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnston will address Pro Life Campaign conference this Sunday at RDS Dublin.


Anger at BBC’s report of Pope’s visit to Auschwitz

Lord Alton suggests John Frain’s account of the role of Catholics in opposing Hitler and Nazism should be read as it also shows the Church's repeated denunciations of anti-Semitism and Nazism from 1928 onwards.


Report to highlight scale of persecution of Christians

Aid to the Church in Need to publish ‘Persecuted and Forgotten? A Report on Christians oppressed for their Faith 2013-15’.


Irish Senator among politicians to meet Pope

Senator Rónán Mullen among eighty politicians from around the world to discuss the persecution of Christians in the Middle East with Pontiff.


Catholic legislators play vital role: Cardinal Parolin

“As shapers of policy your role is ... to be ‘a leaven in the world’ in favour of the family, local community and your respective nations."


Lord Alton pleas for persecuted Christians

Warning that West's "indifference" to plight of Christians is compounding the crisis.


Christians in Syria systematically targeted: Lord Alton

British government questioned as to what it is doing to stop the flow of weapons into Syria.

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