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liver disease

New Zealand also bans sale of alcohol on Good Friday

“Ireland’s relationship with alcohol, particularly in the context of mental health, depression and suicide, has to be examined.”


Pioneers want Good Friday alcohol ban retained

“Our hospital beds are occupied with up to 2,000 patients with illnesses related to excess alcohol and in the region of three people per day die in Ireland for the same reason.”


Pioneers call for re-introduction of Confirmation pledge

“Liver disease has approximately doubled in Ireland in the last 20 years for both men and women. We’re seeing people in their early 30s dying from liver failure. Before it was 40s and 50s mainly.”


Conference highlights growth in alcohol abuse

Gastroenterologist specialising in liver disease tells Pioneer conference that cases of cirrhosis of the liver have spiralled in comparison to most other diseases.


Number of Schoolchildren Getting Drunk Down Slightly

Dublin to host major international conference on addiction and spirituality.

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