“Until it is safe, until further instructions, please hold onto your Lent Box. Keeping it safe will help keep you safe too,” says Trócaire’s Caoimhe de Barra.
“There is much to be positive about ... [but] many challenges remain. Human rights are increasingly under threat in many parts of the world, while the dangers brought about by climate change are rising,” said Bishop William Crean.
“Like a free press, a free civil society is fundamental to democracy.” - Éamonn Meehan, executive director of Trócaire
A seven-year-old in Syria has never known peace; a seven-year-old in Gaza has survived two separate wars; a seven-year-old in South Sudan has experienced both famine and civil war in their short life.
Aid has delivered so many success stories. Unfortunately, the spread of conflicts and the worsening impacts of climate change are increasingly out-pacing those efforts.
Trócaire's work would not be possible without the generosity of parishioners, students, teachers, clergy, volunteers and supporters who believe passionately in remembering those less well off than themselves – Trócaire’s Kevin Donnelly.
Last year’s Trócaire Lenten campaign raised almost € 8.3 million, which was about a 4 percent increase on the 2014 figure of €8 million.
“This year’s Trócaire box is a recognition of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things in the pursuit of justice and a fairer world.”
“Thank you Trócaire for not forgetting about me” were the words of one young bed-ridden mother of two.
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