“We chronicled green shoots growing up in the Church. Consistently we have looked at the good that we, Christians, the Church, are doing in Ireland and the world,” said CI News editor Susan Gately.
Bishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino, has said the town awaits the pope’s visit with “emotion and gratitude”.
Bishop Larry Duffy of Clogher issues Pastoral Letter for the Season of Creation.
The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has listed on its website some resources for use in dioceses, parishes and in the home during the Season of Creation 2020.
"Human rights must be respected in such a time," Fr Paul Daisuke Narui SVD.
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions on public gatherings, ‘Theology and Ecology in Dialogue: The Wisdom of Laudato Si’ by Fr Dermot Lane will be launched via webinar by scripture scholar Fr Kieran O'Mahony.
According to Fr Brian Grogan, within Irish culture holy wells remain places to visit to ask for healing and solace in times of difficulty and personal need. “Such times are with us now both in Ireland and globally due to the coronavirus.”
‘Theology and Ecology in Dialogue: The Wisdom of Laudato Si’ by Fr Dermot Lane seeks to build bridges between theology and ecology.
Diocese of Limerick will host an online liturgy for Leaving Cert students on the evening of the day their exams were due to start.
On the fifth anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’s landmark encyclical letter, Laudato ‘Si, Bishop Mark
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Pontiff pays tribute to the “saints who live next door” describing the doctors, volunteers, religious sisters, priests and shop workers who continue to perform their duty as “heroes”.
“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who will come after us, to children who are growing up?" the Pontiff asks in a video message.
Bishop Leahy says that by focusing on Lent in terms of ecological conversion, we are taking steps that benefit not just ourselves and society but we are building up our community for the future.
“The idea is that we equip parishes to bring Laudato Si' to life in local parish communities,” says Jane Mellett of Trócaire.
“The theme for Catholic Schools Week this year encourages us to see that we all have a responsibility to care for the earth, not just for our own future, but for the future of every one of God’s creatures,” says Fr Paul Connell.
“I can’t understand why people would choose to attack Greta Thunberg. She is passionate about what she believes; she is only a young girl and she is speaking prophetically to the world and what do we do – we attack her. We attack her message."
‘I encourage the faithful to pray for the success of this synod, the purpose of which is to serve the good of humanity,’ said Bishop Alan McGuckian, Chair of the Irish Bishops’ Council for Justice and Peace.
“I think this project could especially catch the imagination of the young people of Ireland, in their youth groups, schools, colleges and workplaces,” said Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Archbishop Eamon Martin launches the Extraordinary Month of Mission and urges dioceses, congregations and young people to support the ‘Laudato Tree’ project.
“My key message today is: wherever we call home it is incumbent on all of us to live responsibly, and in a sustainable way, always thinking of our neighbour” – Bishop Alan McGuckian, chair of the Bishops’ Council for Justice and Peace.
“I love that they are making a difference on so many levels – here and in the developing world.”
The Vatican is reducing the use of chemicals in its gardens, and has already reduced its water consumption.
“More dignity for the weak, more justice among peoples and more future for our common home.”
Guest speakers at the event will be Trócaire’s head of policy and advocacy, Lorna Gold, and the former president of Mater Dei, Fr Dermot Lane.
"The aridity of the planet is extending to new regions, and more and more are suffering as a result of the lack of water."
Group of 30 young people from Dublin will arrive in Panama this Friday (18 January) and will stay with families in a host parish, where they will take part in a social justice programme with local parishioners.
Former Government Minister and Green Party leader ordained to the priesthood at Christ Church Cathedral in Waterford.
“The planet is our home, home for all of us, regardless of what faith or background we come from.”
A day of rich celebration for the Catholic faithful. We were very proud of our Catholic identity together – Portlaoise parish.
“Avoiding further climate change and protecting our common home requires a major shift away from highly polluting fossil fuels towards cleaner renewable energy.”