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Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution

Lifting of Eighth Amendment will introduce abortion on demand

“There is no going back,” says Love Both as it launches campaign for a 'No' vote.


Cabinet considers 12 week unrestricted abortion proposal

"Some members of the government are determined to keep the time frame tight to deny the public the opportunity to scrutinise referendum proposal" - Pro Life Campaign.


Conference will focus on reality of legalised abortion

Former director of International Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnston will address Pro Life Campaign conference this Sunday at RDS Dublin.


Survey reveals ignorance on abortion

Knowledge on Abortion briefing shows only 1 in 20 Irish people know incidence of abortion in England and Wales.


Bishops pray for Las Vegas

They prayed that the survivors, their families and loved ones may find strength and healing in their faith and receive the support of compassionate caregivers as they begin to recover from the trauma of their physical and emotional wounds.

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