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Catholic economist on an ethical, post-pandemic recovery

"Human rights must be respected in such a time," Fr Paul Daisuke Narui SVD.


Homily of Archbishop Eamon Martin for the Liturgy of Witness

Eighty percent of all acts of religious persecution around the world today are being committed against Christians – Archbishop Eamon Martin.


‘Silence’ to get a Vatican debut

Scorsese movie tells the story of two Jesuit missionaries facing violence and persecution in 17th century Japan.


New film celebrates life of Irish missionary nun

“What was it about the life she had lived that made her into the person she was at 100 years of age - so vital and energetic and joyful and generous.”


Presidential award for missionary Sr Miriam Duggan

Three Irish missionaries recognised on Presidential Distinguished Service Awards for 2015.


Pope recalls horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Nuclear bombings in August 1945 are a “symbol of the enormous destructive power of humanity when it makes a distorted use of scientific and technical progress”.


Bells toll on 70th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing

Mayor of Hiroshima Kazumi Matsui calls for the abolition of nuclear weapons and the creation of security systems that do not rely on military might.


Scorsese film on Jesuits in Japan begins production

Film based on the epic story 'Silence' by Shusako Endo about the Jesuit missionaries who went to Japan in the 17th century.

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