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BAI rejects complaint against broadcaster for comments about midlands parish

The presenter’s comment was neither balanced nor objective, and people’s beliefs for or against IVF should not have been dismissed in such a manner, according to the complainant.


Parish Facebook account deleted after Health Minister criticises pro-life post

"As Catholics we are unapologetically pro life and are proud and honoured to stand up for the voiceless," said the Tullamore Parish Facebook post that prompted an apology.


Catholic ethos means National Maternity Hospital will offer care to all who need it

A healthcare organisation bearing the name 'Catholic', while offering care to all who need it, has a special responsibility to Catholic teachings about the value of human life and the dignity and ultimate destiny of the human person.


ECHR’s Grand Chamber reverses Italian surrogacy ruling

“The fact that neither one of the couple has a biological relationship with the child was decisive. It was on this ground that the court has now decided they are not a family under the Convention.”


Surrogacy is buying and selling children and must be outlawed

In the run-up to the publication of the government’s plans for regulating surrogacy in Ireland, Stop Surrogacy Now says “No one has a right to a baby.”


Mothers & Fathers Matter call for No vote

Government could have followed the Portuguese lead by excluding same sex adoption - Keith Mills of Mothers and Fathers Matter.


Poll finding on adoption challenges Govt’s bill

Overwhelming choice for Irish people when a child is being placed for adoption is for child to be placed with a man and a woman.


UK votes for ‘three-parent babies’

“Are we happy to sacrifice two early human lives to make a third?” MP asks of the process involved in creating an embryo with biological material from three people.


Preparatory document released for 2015 synod

Lineamenta outlines a summary of the main points of last October's final report and adds an additional 46 questions which bishops are asked to reflect on.


NaPro fertility expert endorses Humanae Vitae

Dr Thomas Hilgers warns that many women have been damaged and traumatised due to contraception, abortion and IVF.


New organisation to fight ‘anti-child legislation’

'Mothers and Fathers Matter' group says legislation 'normalises' situation where a child is deprived of a right to a biological mother and father.

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