May 2022: For Faith-Filled Young People
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
DECEMBER: Catechists
NOVEMBER: People who suffer from depression
OCTOBER: Missionary Disciples
SEPTEMBER: An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle
AUGUST: Church on the Way
JULY: Social Friendship
JUNE : The beauty of marriage
MAY: The world of finance
APRIL: Fundamental rights
MARCH: The sacrament of reconciliation
FEBRUARY: For women who are victims of violence
DECEMBER: For a life of prayer
NOVEMBER: Artificial Intelligence
JUNE : Compassion for the world
May: Deacons
April: Liberation from addictions
In ‘normal conditions’, the CSTV website usually has about two million visitors a month, but this weekend the audience for online Parish TV more than trebled, said Church Support Group CEO Tony Bolger.
Catholics in China
Students set about equipping their local church with a camera to film and livestream via the internet, making the local Mass available far and wide.
Hear the cries of migrants
Promotion of World Peace
The future of the very young
Bill comes at a time when pornography is widely available in Ireland and over half of teenage boys in Ireland see pornography before the age of 13.
Dialogue and reconciliation in the Middle East