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Instrumentum Laboris

Pastoral practice must deepen Church teaching

Archbishop Martin tells Synod press conference Church must accompany vocation of marriage just as it accompanies vocation to priesthood.


Pope asks forgiveness for the Church’s scandals

“I would like, in the name of the Church, to ask for forgiveness for the scandals which recently have fallen both on Rome and the Vatican.”


‘Ireland is still marked by a very strong family culture’

Archbishop suggests it is too simplistic to infer that an authentic Christian culture of marriage has disappeared on the basis of the referendum.


Working document is too negative, Synod fathers say

Instrumentum laboris deemed to be overly preoccupied with the problems of marriage and family life and doesn't provide enough encouragement.


Irish archbishops selected for roles at Rome Synod

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin elected as rapporteur of one English-speaking group, while Archbishop Eamon Martin elected as moderator of his group.


Synod of bishops gets underway in the Vatican

Pope tells delegates Synod is a space for the action of the Holy Spirit only if participants vest themselves with “apostolic courage, evangelical humility & trusting prayer”.


Become “revolutionaries of tenderness” – Primate

“A culture of machismo, superficial ideas of love, unreal and illusory notions of romance - all of these can undermine tenderness in relationships today."


Instrumentum laboris for October’s synod released

78-page document says divorced and remarried couples should be “integrated” into the Church.


Faithful urged to support day of prayer for Synod

Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri says married couples will have a prominent role in the Synod.


Working document for October synod unveiled

Synod is the first of two extraordinary meetings of bishops on the family that will lead to new pastoral guidelines.

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