This book aims to get both the parents at home and the parish community involved with the candidates for confirmation as they prepare for the day they receive the sacrament and insure it will be a fruitful experience for all. John-Paul Sheridan is diocesan advisor for primary religious education in [...]
Bishops and theologians differ over whether Communion should come before Confirmation. Cian Molloy looks at the tradition behind both sacraments and the stresses and strains involved in what have become social rights of passage as much as religious events.
Scott Detisch gives us five essential things to know about the Mass so that we can dispel our ‘eucharistic worries’. It’s time, he says, to move from anxious worry to vibrant worship.
Pierre Simson goes back to the scriptural accounts of the eucharist to see what exactly Christ meant by enjoining us to come together to celebrate his supper in memory of Him.
Paul Andrews SJ writes about parties and feasts as means of humanly relating. No wonder, he says, Jesus chose this as his way of showing what he was about both in his own life and now in the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Every year confirmation is celebrated in parishes throughout Ireland. This book will help parents understand the theology and the ritual of the sacrament. Its author, John-Paul Sheridan, is diocesan advisor for primary school catechetics in Ferns diocese.
Here is an excellent summary of the theology, history and liturgy of the sacrament of confirmation by John-Paul Sheridan. It is Chapter 3 from the book entitled “Promises to Keep: Parents and Confirmation”. He is diocesan advisor for primary school catechetics in the diocese of Ferns.
Barbare de Búrca looks at some of the problems and assumptions surrounding the sacrament of confirmation in handing on the faith to adolescents.
Dermot Nestor guides us through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and what effect this process can have on an entire Christian community.
This well-illustrated book is a course of fifteen lessons for children preparing for First Confession and First Holy Communion. It will be an invaluable resource in any home, parish and school which wants to hand on the faith to their children.