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SVP urges Government to tackle poverty as calls for help increase

“The concentration of job losses in low paid sectors means that the impact (of COVID-19) has disproportionately fallen on groups that are least able to endure a financial hit,” said Kieran Stafford, national president, SVP.


Catholic schools must remain alert to inequalities in educational system

Archbishop Eamon Martin tells Irish Catholic education conference: "In a Catholic school, religion is not an added extra to be fitted in during break time or twilight hours or registration."


Inequalities in health care distressing: Martin

Archbishop of Dublin highlights people’s anxiety over what might happen to them or their children or an elderly relative if they are hit by serious illness.


Primate welcomes demise of academic selection

“No young person should be turned away from a Catholic school on the basis of their mark in an entrance test at the age of ten or eleven”.


Archbishop detects mood of uncertainty at Davos

Crisis of leadership and income inequalities are among key issues under discussion at this year’s gathering of the world’s political and business elite.


Welcome for new Charities Regulatory Authority

Archbishop says having clear norms and common reporting standards which act as benchmarks will be of great help to entire charity sector.

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