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indigenous peoples

Pope Francis’ Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation on Amazon published

Pope Francis emphasises that he is offering his “own response” evoked by last year’s Synod on the Amazon.


Irish missionary highlights destructive impact of mining in Amazon

The world is living in a culture of bankruptcy that is moral, ethical, spiritual, political and cultural, Columban Fr Peter Hughes tells NJPN annual conference.


Don’t forget Brazil’s indigenous people: CAFOD

“The Rio Olympic Games are a huge missed opportunity to improve the lives of the poorest in Rio. They are also a missed opportunity to invest in the protection of human rights across the country.”


New film to raise awareness of Sr Dorothy Stang

“We wanted to demonstrate an authentic witness to the commitment to 'integral ecology' advocated by Pope Francis."


Benedictine nun’s anti-mining advocacy honoured

Sr Stella Matutina's campaigning on behalf of the rights of the native peoples of Mindanao recognised by City of Weimar human rights award.

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