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Put a cap on moneylenders’ interest rates, SVP tells Central Bank

The SVP is calling on government to introduce an interest rate cap that reduces the total cost of credit that moneylenders can legally charge.


Demands on SVP grow as one in twelve Irish people now in ‘consistent poverty’

More needs to be done, otherwise too many of our children will spend their childhoods going without basics like secure housing, healthy food and suitable clothing.


Bishops’ finances rally as deficit turns to surplus

Financial surplus of €616,091 recorded in 2014 compared to deficit of €103,076 in 2013.


Irish charities forced to cut services despite recovery

Survey shows 33% of charities had to cut back or suspend services in the past year due to a lack of funding, while over 42% reported a drop in income.


“Definite link between poverty and ill-health”: SJI

"People’s health is influenced by factors such as poor housing, food security, unhealthy early childhood conditions and poor educational status”.


SJI calls for income tax bands to stay unchanged

Widening the bands will benefit the better off, not those earning low incomes.


Govt’s focus is on business interests chides SJI

Social Justice Ireland criticises Government’s Medium-Term Economic Strategy.

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