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Humanitarian aid

Concern’s Fr Jack Finucane C.S.Sp. dies suddenly

His work “leaves a real, positive, and enduring legacy for millions of people across the globe” – President Higgins.


Government urged to play role in finding peace for Syria

Syrian peace delegation visits Ireland as UN says it is “extremely concerned” about the estimated 275,000 civilians trapped in “horrific conditions” in Aleppo.


CAFOD urges ceasefire to ease desperate situation in Syria

“Humanitarian access to vulnerable people is absolutely vital, there must be safe, unrestricted passage of aid to all parts of Syria.”


Pope and Patriarch hold historic meeting in Cuba

Joint declaration pleads on behalf of world's persecuted Christians especially in the Middle East where families, villages and cities are being exterminated.


No IMF special debt relief for Nepal

IMF's Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust denied to Nepal because earthquake did not cause enough total economic damage to the country.


Trócaire welcomes South Sudan peace deal

But agency warns that deal must lead to improved humanitarian access, as five million people are "in urgent need of aid".


Church leaders appeal for peace in South Sudan

People have been catapulted into dire suffering, unable to return to their homes, and now in urgent need of food, clean water and shelter.


Vatican to host peace talks on Syria

Talks will seek greater protection for Christians and to bring about a unified government.


Cardinal questions if global warming caused taiphoon

Special Mass for victims of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and the war in Syria.


Pope calls for peace solution to end Syria’s woes

8.4m people in urgent need of humanitarian aid according to Trócaire.

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