May 2022: For Faith-Filled Young People
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
DECEMBER: Catechists
NOVEMBER: People who suffer from depression
OCTOBER: Missionary Disciples
SEPTEMBER: An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle
AUGUST: Church on the Way
JULY: Social Friendship
JUNE : The beauty of marriage
MAY: The world of finance
APRIL: Fundamental rights
MARCH: The sacrament of reconciliation
FEBRUARY: For women who are victims of violence
DECEMBER: For a life of prayer
NOVEMBER: Artificial Intelligence
It is “a festival of films about trafficking and the moves to combat what Pope Francis has described as a ‘crime against humanity’,” stated RENATE, which is inviting people to submit short four-minute films.
Lockdown measures have increased the difficulty for trafficking victims of escaping and finding help when they are held in situations against their will, says Caritas International.
“We must be under no illusions – sex trafficking is happening in every city, town and village across the country, and it is overwhelmingly women and girls who are sacrificed to fill the demand for sexual gratification from so-called ‘sex buyers’,” said Ruhama CEO Barbara Condon.
JUNE : Compassion for the world
May: Deacons
April: Liberation from addictions
Catholics in China
Hear the cries of migrants
“Christians are called to make the connection between faith and earth, between theology and ecology, constructing common cause with those who challenge confinement and usher in freedom. This is where we will find Jesus Christ today” – Archbishop Michael Jackson.
"Voters have a duty to inform themselves on the position of election candidates in respect of their willingness to support and cherish equally the lives of mothers and their unborn children" – bishops in Northern Ireland.
“Let us resolve to raise awareness, to keep our eyes open and to cooperate at all levels of society for an end to this evil in our midst,” says Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh.