“Bolsonaro fought an election campaign on the basis of promises to open up the ‘unproductive’ Amazon region for companies.”
“A binding treaty is urgently needed to protect the world’s poorest people and ensure their rights are not discarded in their hunt for profit.”
“In 2019, we are building a movement of people who want to help tackle human rights abuse around the world.”
“The election of a person with extremist opinions on a range of issues – from women to minorities to the environment – will further destabilise Latin America, as what happens in Brazil affects the entire region.”
Last year was the deadliest year on record for human rights defenders across the world: 207 activists were killed for attempting to protect their communities, their land and the environment
Garden sought to “shine a light" on people being evicted from lands in Central America, extractive industries polluting natural resources like water in Zimbabwe, and the work of human rights defenders in Israel/Palestine.”
“This year’s Trócaire box is a recognition of ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things in the pursuit of justice and a fairer world.”