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Don’t use housing crisis as an excuse to ignore migrants’ rights – Cardinal Czerny

“The answer is not to deprive the migrant of housing; the answer is to solve your housing problem.”


Accuracy of Irish homeless stats questioned

The January homeless figures were back up to 10,271 after a one-month dip in December 2019.


‘Put people first’ bishops appeal ahead of Election2020

"The health system must put patients’ needs first, reducing waiting time for treatment and ending the indignity of an ill person being left on a trolley for long periods."


Churches express concern over ‘relentless’ rise in homelessness

“We restate our call for increased investment in state-provided housing; measures to limit rent increases, improve security of tenure, and protect families who face eviction from their home; and proposals to convert unused buildings into social housing.”


SVP annual Christmas raffle in Cork gives donated car

The winner of this year’s car is Eoin Duggan from Ballincollig, with runners-up from around County Cork receiving cash prizes from €500-€1,500. 


Christmas parcels go to 19,000 children in Syria this year

For the eighth year running, ACN is providing Christmas parcels for displaced children, including warm clothes, shoes, toys, devotional items and other essentials.


Message from bishops in Northern Ireland ahead of Westminster General Election

"Voters have a duty to inform themselves on the position of election candidates in respect of their willingness to support and cherish equally the lives of mothers and their unborn children" – bishops in Northern Ireland.


Annual deprivation rate reduced slightly but many still lack basics states SVP

“For a rich country like Ireland, it is unacceptable that so many people are going without basics,” said Kieran Stafford, National President, SVP.


Time to change flawed housing policy, says SVP

"It is totally unacceptable for a rich country like Ireland that so many children have no place to call home,” said SVP National President Kieran Stafford.


Budget 2020 is ‘a failure for struggling households’, says SVP

‘We don’t believe that this budget protects those most vulnerable in the event of a No-Deal Brexit,’ says SVP national president Kieran Stafford.


SVP report finds greater poverty among lone parents

“This report shows Ireland has a long way to go in creating pathways to sustainable, decent and family friendly employment which will address the growing issue of in-work poverty among lone parents” – Dr Tricia Keilthy, SVP.


SVP calls for government housing strategy to be abandoned

“A social housing policy that relies so heavily on the private rented sector can never be the answer to the housing problem.”


Focus Ireland reveals real increase in homelessness in 2018

Focus Ireland said homelessness in Ireland has risen to unprecedented levels.


New impetus needed to provide housing, says bishop in Christmas message

“Very many are under great strain because accommodation and housing is scarce or beyond their reach. A new political impetus is required along with real determination to make inroads into this critical need in so many people’s lives” – Bishop William Crean, Cloyne.


Homeless crisis is not abating bishops warn

New pastoral letter on the housing and homelessness crisis, ‘A Room at the Inn?’, calls on Irish society to commit itself to work towards the provision of warm, decent, affordable and secure homes for all.


Homeless crisis increasing, says Simon Dublin

“There continues to be a surge in people who desperately need help with housing. Additional housing must be delivered at a more accelerated rate."


Bruton urges pro-life movement to create “supportive environment for life”

Greater recognition must be given in Ireland’s welfare system and tax codes to the cost of rearing children, former Taoiseach says.

Former Taoiseach [...]


Bruton urges pro-life movement to create “supportive environment for life”

Greater recognition must be given in Ireland's welfare system and tax codes to the cost of rearing children, former Taoiseach says.


SVP publish pre-budget submission

Almost 10,000 people are currently homeless, and nearly 86,000 households are on the social housing waiting list.


Plight of hidden homeless highlighted by SVP

The “hidden homeless” are people who often don’t have the option to declare themselves officially homeless and to put themselves on the local authority emergency accommodation list.


Focus Ireland launches Christmas Appeal

“We work hard to support families and individuals every day and not just at Christmas, but we depend on donations now more than ever to raise funds so our services can cope with the constantly rising demand.”


Respond! Housing Development in Waterford City Wins Major Social Housing Award

A former seminary in Waterford City which has been developed into a housing development for older people by voluntary housing agency Respond! has won a major award.


Charities welcome modest improvements in Budget

Social Justice Ireland (SJI) stated that Budget 2018 has given modest improvements for some but failed to get to grips with the scale of the crises needing to be addressed.


Varadkar – homeless crisis will not be solved in government’s lifespan

“We need consistent monitoring to ensure that we really get to the crux of this issue and stop more families from becoming homeless in the first place” – Focus Ireland.


New SVP homes for the elderly in Mayo named ‘Housing Project of the Year’

The effort to achieve high quality standards was key to the successful delivery of the project and St Michael’s can only serve as a good practice model for the Society’s housing nationally.


You have a Christian duty to vote on 8 June, Northern Irish bishops tell Westminster electorate

A fundamental responsibility of every follower of Jesus is to transform the world with hope. Every vote in favour of a more just, peaceful and caring society is a concrete and personal expression of that hope.


Demands on SVP grow as one in twelve Irish people now in ‘consistent poverty’

More needs to be done, otherwise too many of our children will spend their childhoods going without basics like secure housing, healthy food and suitable clothing.


Peter McVerry Trust still willing to liaise with Apollo House

Members of the public formed a human chain around the building in support of those inside, chanting “homes for the homeless”.


Child poverty increasing – Barnardos

“It is clear to us the economic recovery isn’t being felt by all as we are supporting parents who are under huge strain to meet the needs of their children because of the absence of appropriate quality public services” – Fergus Finlay, Barnardos.


Dublin’s Pro Cathedral seeks unwanted Christmas gifts for homeless

During 2016, Crosscare, the social care agency of the Archdiocese of Dublin, provided 127,750 bed nights to over 1,600 people in six residences for people experiencing homelessness in the capital.

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