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We want a national day of mourning and reflection, after COVID-19, says Irish Hospice Foundation

When the COVID-19 pandemic is defeated, the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) would like the government to declare a national day of mourning and reflection.

The foundation is calling for a series of events remembering those who have died since COVID-19 arrived in this country in March. The aim would be to [...]


Marian Finucane’s charity work was “simply outstanding”

Mgr Ciaran O’Carroll, rector of the Irish College in Rome and a first cousin of the esteemed broadcaster, admitted to mourners in St Brigid’s Church, Kill, Co Kildare that the news of her death “came as a dreadful shock”.


Irish nun honoured for her work with prisoners

Queen awards British Empire Medal to Sr Philomena Purcell, an Ursuline originally from Mullinavatt in Co Kilkenny, who at 77 continues to serve as chaplain to HMP Chelmsford.


Can we please focus on perinatal hospice care?

When your child may not live long, time is all-important. Hospice care gives you time: Every Life Counts.


Archbishop Martin blesses new hospice in Dublin

Fundraising group led by Fr Dan Joe O’Mahony and Fr Eugene Kennedy made a massive contribution of €7 million.


Calls for Co Limerick-born priest to be beatified

Fr Liam Hayes dedicated his life to the poor of Obera where he set up homes for children and adults with severe physical and intellectual disabilities as well as a hospice.


Bishop Daly says 3,000 jobs would lift Derry

Unemployment is still one of Derry’s “big problems” along with the legacy of the conflict.


IMO doctors call for palliative care for babies

“We are delighted with the support of the IMO membership for standardised peri-natal palliative care protocols" - Jennifer Kehoe, spokesperson for One Day More.


Mother Mary Aikenhead on path to sainthood

Pope Francis declares Irish foundress of Religious Sisters of Charity Venerable.


Hospice Foundation welcomes hearings on ‘End of Life’ care

Today is World Hospice and Palliative Care Day.

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