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Budget must tackle poverty and homelessness

"Looking after children is how you define a society’" - yet in Ireland today, one in ten children lives in consistent poverty.


Sr Stan and St Brigid in top 100 Irish women poll

32-page Irish Independent supplement on the women who have helped shape the country.


President opens Cuan Mhuire Lumen Initiative

“There are many, many citizens around this country who remain eternally grateful to Cuan Mhuire."


Celebs back education as way to avoid homelessness

Taoiseach's appearance in Focus Ireland video provokes criticism saying Govt has done nothing to ameliorate plight of homeless.


Focus petition Taoiseach on ‘right to housing’

In Cork, some families are living in cars, others are broken up, with mothers and children under 12 going to one centre, fathers to another, and teenage boys to emergency foster care, reports Focus Ireland Cork.


Archbishop lashes shameful level of homelessness

Difficulty in accessing social protection payments linked to escalating homelessness crisis.


25% rise in those seeking Focus Ireland’s help

“One family a day loses their home and becomes homeless in Dublin alone,” Sr Stan warns.


Plea from Archbishop Martin over wastage of food

It is “shameful” how much food is thrown away when so many do not have the necessary food to keep going.


Homelessness will increase warns Fr McVerry

2013 was a year marked by rising numbers of people presenting as homeless.


Children suffer effects of housing crisis

Barnardos urges Government to quickly address rising rents and serious lack of social housing.


Homeless charity struggling to cope with demand

Fr Peter McVerry warning over "tsunami of homelessness".


Homelessness at crisis proportions Jesuit warns

Lack of social housing and rental property resulting in hopelessness among homeless: Fr McVerry


Constitutional Convention recommends right to a home

Europe has 11 million empty homes - enough to house all of the Continent's homeless twice.


More people at risk of homelessness, warns Threshold

Homeless support agency sees doubling in numbers coming to homeless support


Fr McVerry calls for Homeless Act as numbers double

Homeless Act would give homeless a legal right to suitable accommodation.


Fr Peter McVerry to be awarded the Freedom of Dublin

Recognition for social justice campaigner's long commitment to those on the margins.


Homelessness “worse than ever” according to Fr McVerry

Jesuit urges Government to step up to its responsibilities to address the lack of housing.


Merchant’s Quay poised to serve 100,000 meals to homeless

2012 was a difficult year financially for MQI.

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