"Since Tyrrelstown everyone who is renting, even if they are keeping up with their rent, feels vulnerable."
In addition to children who are homeless, thousands more are living in overcrowded, unsuitable and unsafe sub-standard accommodation.
The actor, who has worked on behalf of the homeless for over 10 years, plays the part of a homeless man in his latest film 'Time Out Of Mind'.
“It seems to be almost explicit Government policy that people are expected to live below that poverty line and we see the consequences” - Mike Allen of Focus Ireland.
Showers, haircuts and shaves were also available as well as a team of doctors, nurses and medical students offering check-ups and health advice.
Parishes raised €63,625 to help the victims of last April and May’s devastating earthquakes which killed over 9,000 people and left countless others homeless.
New figures show that the children's charity helped 340 more children in 2015 than in 2014.
Ireland “cannot claim to be a progressive society if we choose to leave so many in poverty” - Bishop William Crean of Cloyne.
The donated 'unwanted' gifts will ensure that people who are struggling with life will get a small token of cheer next Christmas.
Bishop of Ossory says it is hard to wish a 'happy Christmas' knowing it will not be a happy Christmas for the sick, the unemployed, the bereaved, the troubled.
The Christmas story gives us guidance on how to shape “our own shared humanity” looking to the future.
“A city in which one man suffers less is a better city” - Caritas Rome founder Don Luigi Di Liegro.
‘The Christmas Presence’ should be "compulsory reading for everyone before we rush off to do our Christmas shopping” - Fr Peter McVerry.
Bishops mark International Human Rights Day with a call to redouble efforts to prevent more deaths of homeless people on our streets.
“As Christmas approaches with glitter, jingles and lights in shops and streets, we set out and declare publicly and together that Christ is the light that has come into the world."
According to CEO Pat Doyle this year’s client numbers will break all records.
Package does not address the level of rent supplement and the actions of banks when they repossess the properties of buy-to-let landlords.
“World Mission Sunday is an opportunity for the family of the Church to support its youngest member, the Church of Mongolia.”
In some cases, families and individuals entitled to support have spent time sleeping rough due to a lack of information: Crosscare.
“The common good seems to have gone off our national and ecclesiastical radar over the last half-decade" Archbishop Jackson warns.
The number of older people coming to ALONE in need of housing increased by 90% in 2014.
Contribution of religious congregations to the efforts to eradicate human trafficking and provide care and support to victims recognised.
“We must not shy away from highlighting that homelessness has now deepened from a crisis situation to a national emergency.”
Call for modular housing to start coming on stream for the homeless before Christmas.
“Once again the ugly consequences of war have caused multitudes of good people to take great risks as they seek refuge in foreign lands.”
“The great support we get means we are able to provide a permanent place to call home for up to 650 households who were homeless or at risk."
A prophet and a peacemaker, Berrigan's legacy is simple: "God is peace. Peace is God" - Bishop Thomas Costello.
“One of the most appalling things is that families are becoming homeless, and last month 70 families became homeless. That's two or three new families every day.”
Iona Institute chairman calls on Irish Church “to start teaching its teachings”.
Catholic and Church of Ireland Primates give joint blessing to sculptor Tim Schmalz’s seven foot bronze work depicting Jesus as a homeless man sleeping on a park bench.