"As we face the future, we must remember that the Lord who called us, whom we surrendered to on the day of our ordination, the Lord who placed His hands upon our head, that same Lord is calling us now!" – Bishop Dempsey.
“The idea was to give people a lift as time went on. That becomes more and more important as people are beginning to feel cabin fever,” said Rathdowney parish priest Fr Martin Delaney.
People were invited to send in requests to have a specific candle lit for their loved ones, and to pay their own tribute to so many on the front line serving their communities up and down the country.
“Even in the current situation where the Holy Week liturgies will be celebrated behind closed doors, we can find in our hearts ways to celebrate the mystery of Christ’s death and Resurrection,” says Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.
"We may be physically isolated, but we are not separated. We are untited as the body of Christ. We are the Church," says the Assoication of Catholic Priests of Ireland.
There are many people feeling alone and isolated at the moment and we hope that our short pieces of audio can assist people in living Holy Week in their homes – Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Irish bishops welcomed the recent announcement by Pope Francis that the theme of the synod in October 2022 will be “For a synodal Church: communion, participation, and mission”.
The 28 steps come from a staircase in Pontius Pilate’s palace in Jerusalem and are believed to be where Jesus Christ walked on his way to his trial.
Ordained ministers have a responsibility to “help people to lift their gaze beyond the pessimism of those who speak today of ‘new dark ages’ and enable them to discern a distant horizon of hope”.
“There are no adequate words in the face of such pain” - Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry.
6.30am celebration includes the lighting and blessing of the Paschal fire, the blessing and sprinkling of Easter water, and the renewal of baptismal vows.
“Some families are living a long Good Friday and it is difficult for them to know the Easter promise of resurrection.”
FleshandBlood (FaB) campaign launches in Dublin with the aim of mobilising parishes to become more actively involved in donating blood and organs.
Over 100,000 pilgrims attend Mass in St Peter’s Square and ponder the question 'Who am I?'