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Healthcare system needs urgent reform: Archbishop

New Whitty Wing at Dublin's Mater Hospital blessed.


Volunteer Mission Movement tribute at House of Lords

VMM's contribution to international development highlighted.


Further aid aimed at preventing Syrian ‘catastrophe’

Contribution recognises unprecedented scale of the crisis - Minister Costello.


Archbishop launches new book on Dublin’s Mater Hospital

“Healthcare cannot be selective or preferential – it must reach out to every human being."


Archbishop calls for debate on denominational education

“Religion and politics need to converse if education is to flourish rather than flounder."


“It is people of conscience who shape the world” – Nuncio

The Apostolic Nuncio has paid tribute to Ireland’s “long and radiant history of men and women of conscience” who preferred to suffer rather than deny what their conscience tells them is right.


Ex DPP proposes AG as advocate for unborn

A former Director of Public Prosecutions has asserted that the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill 2013 may be inconsistent with the Constitutional clause which recognises the right to life of the unborn and the equal right to life of the mother and promises to “defend and vindicate that [...]


Strong support for free vote on abortion: poll

More than 80 per cent of voters would prefer to see the abortion issue resolved by referendum than by the politicians in Leinster House, and 70 per cent believe that if legislators are to decide the issue they should be allowed a free vote.

These are the findings of a poll [...]


Irish aid agencies launch emergency appeal for Syria

Trócaire and Concern have launched emergency appeals for Syria. Trócaire warns that the situation in the region threatens to reach catastrophic levels following the dramatic deterioration in the situation in Syria and neighbouring countries.

“Over eight million people are in urgent need of humanitarian aid,” said Maurice McQuillan, Trócaire’s Head of Humanitarian [...]


Archbishop Neary’s address at the launch of the Mayo Suicide Liaison Project

Suicide is one of the most challenging contemporary problems in Ireland. It is a major concern for families and communities throughout the country. It is claiming an average of 500 lives per year in the Republic and 300 in Northern Ireland. A cross border report published last January found that [...]


Bishops ask faithful to pray with Pope for coming of ‘Gospel of Life’

The Catholic bishops of Ireland have asked the faithful in parishes all over the country to join Pope Francis this weekend in praying in support of the “Gospel of Life”.  Celebrating the encyclical letter Evangelium Vitae, Pope Francis will join in the special event entitled, ‘Believing, May They Have Life’ which [...]


PLC dispute IT abortion poll findings

The Pro Life Campaign has questioned the results of a survey on abortion published in yesterdays’ Irish Times, which showed 75% in favour of abortion, with just 14% against.

The sample of 1,000 voters aged 18 and over,  were asked the question “The government has published the heads of a Bill [...]


‘The Communion of the Sick and Dying’ – Prof Desmond O’Neill

Professor Desmond O’Neill is a consultant physician in geriatric and stroke medicine. On Friday 15th June at IEC2012 he delivered a talk under the title ‘The Communion of the Sick and Dying’.


Journey through cancer – Jean Lavelle

This is the story of what I did. That is all. I make no claims and I hope I make no generalisations. But maybe what I have to say will help someone else in their struggle with the disease.


The Coldest Night: a family’s experience …

Through writing this very personal book on her son's suicide, Carol Anne emerges eventually, a different but stronger person, with a deep desire to help young people.


Out of the Shadow: Responding to suicide

In Father Aidan Troy's book there is a wide range of useful advice as well as information to help those touched by a suicide find ways of dealing with the emotional aftermath.


Battling the storm: A cancer patient’s diary

103pp. First published by The Irish Catholic 2009. Veritas 2010. To purchase this book online go to www.veritas.ie


Introduction by Tony Hanna 

I Have Cancer  Cancer is a Lonely Place  Cancer is a Lesson in Humility I Have Been Very Touched  The Unmentionable Sacrament We Take Things for Granted in the Developed World  This I las Not [...]


When home-based care is best

Sister Carla Simmons writes about bringing home care to families living with AIDS in Uganda. She is a sister-doctor of the Medical Missionaries of Mary. This article first appeared in Healing and Development, a publication of the Medical Missionaries of Mary.


Why let worry rule your life?

John Horan SDB advises people to try to become aware of the ingrained habits of mind which may turn life into a constant source of worry.


Priest with a mission

Andy Campbell, an Irish SVD missionary, brings a little joy to Ghana’s lepers at Christmas. Here he talks about challenging the stigma attached to the disease.


Ethics in the service of the sick

This book by Mgr Charles G. Vella, who has had long experience as a hospital chaplain, stresses the humanising and healing effects of the simple communicative acts of listening, caressing, smiling, stopping by and giving time to sick patients and not treating them as a number. Useful for anyone working [...]

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