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The priest who helps others grow

Marilyn Rodrigues recounts the story of Grow, a community mental health movement co-founded by Fr Con Keogh after he himself suffered from mental illness.


Finding light after darkness

John Scally interviews Moya Brennan, formerly singer with Clannad, about turning to God after hitting rock-bottom.


The spiritual dimension of mental illness

Sean O’Conaill argues that we’re wrong to suppose that psychic buoyancy and emotional autonomy are the norm in mental health. We are relational, not autonomous, beings; and it is in the context of relationships, friendship, and love that emotional health is best considered.


Living with mental illness

Mental illness, like Alzheimer’s disease, depression and schizophrenia, is a challenge to the person who suffers it and to those close to and/or caring for them. Jeanette Brimner gives good advice on understanding mental illness.


A happy homecoming

Patricia writes: I don’t feel comfortable going to the sacrament of penance, so I receive Holy Communion, even if I am in a state of mortal sin. I am a weak person, and I try to draw strength from the Body of Christ within me. Surely God wouldn’t mind me [...]


The useful act of living

Debates about euthanasia and the right of people to end their own life are quite frequent today. Gail Northgrave writes about how Billy Graham is coping with Parkinson’s disease and how he still lives a purposeful life.

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