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Global Catholic Climate Movement

Pope Francis announces Laudato Si’ Week

“What kind of world do we want to leave to those who will come after us, to children who are growing up?" the Pontiff asks in a video message.


“We all need to nurture the courage to tell the truth”

Climate activist Dr Lorna Gold commends student journalists for their willingness to write about climate change ahead of the first climate strike at Dalgan Park, Co. Meath.


Columbans urge youth to tackle climate change through media

Students aged 15 to 18 are invited to write an article or make a video report on the topic: ‘The Challenge of Climate Change’.


Largest-ever joint divestment from fossil fuels

The institutions are located on five continents, and represent fields ranging from a holy site, to finance, and church hierarchical bodies.Their decision to withdraw financial support for fossil fuels is based on both their shared value of environmental protection and the financial wisdom of preparing for a carbon-neutral economy.


Care for creation: Listen to cry of earth and poor says Pope

Pope and Ecumenical Patriarch release joint message for World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Public invited to attend internet seminar on Church divestment from fossil fuels.


Four religious congregations divest from fossil fuels

“These divestment commitments represent an important step towards fulfilling the promise and the call of Laudato Si."

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