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Peadar Tóibín TD challenges government over its silence on cultural genocide in China

"I do not believe that the Government is using its voice strongly enough to oppose the horrendous things happening in that part of the world," – Deputy Tóibín.


International day of prayer for persecuted church 

More than 245 million Christians live in a place where they experience high levels of persecution – IDOP.


Nigerian bishop warns of possible genocidal campaign

Bishop William Amove Avenya of Gboko has warned that escalating attacks on Christians by Fulani tribesmen could soon become another Rwanda.


TDs urge government to declare ISIS actions as genocide

“There is now clear evidence that this genocide includes assassinations of Church leaders; mass murders; torture; kidnapping for ransom in the Christian communities of Iraq and Syria; sexual enslavement and systematic rape of Christian girls and women; forcible conversions to Islam; destruction of churches, monasteries, cemeteries, and Christian artifacts; and theft of lands and wealth from Christian clergy and laity alike.”


Pope apologises for role Catholics played in Rwandan genocide

God’s forgiveness is sought for the sins and failings of the Church and its members, including priests and nuns who “succumbed to hatred and violence, betraying their own evangelical mission”.


Bóthar sends its 1000th heifer to Rwanda

This 1000th heifer adds to an already strong ‘Irish herd’ now in Rwanda. The herd is multiplying every year as Bóthar returns with artificial-insemination straws from Ireland to put the cows back in calf.


Threat of genocide in Burundi, says Trócaire

As the numbers seeking refuge increase, so must our aid efforts – Trócaire.


Bridgettine Day to mark canonisation of Mother Elisabeth Hessleblad

Swedish nurse who converted to Roman Catholicism and founded the Bridgettine Sisters saved the lives of a number of Jewish people during the Holocaust.


Fifth anniversary of South Sudan marred by violence

"There is a risk of genocide in South Sudan. Write it in large letters, so that someone from the international community intervenes before it is too late," is appeal from local Church.


Pope Francis begins papal visit to Armenia today

A spokesperson for the Pope said the Armenian phrase Medz Yeghern, which translates as the “great evil” or the “great catastrophe”, was preferred to genocide.


Genocide survivor is Global Citizen of the Year

Tributes to winner Colette Nkunda of Misean Cara for her contribution to development and sustainability.


ISIS is committing genocide against Christians: MPs

The crimes committed by ISIS include the rape of children, the killing by crucifixion of Christians and systematic violence against religious minorities.


Trevi Fountain to turn red for persecuted Christians

Chaldean Catholic Bishop Antoine Audo of the Syrian city of Aleppo to speak at one of Rome's most famed tourist attractions about the plight of Christians.


ISIS persecution of Christians is genocide

Irish government urged to formally recognise genocide as criteria under the UN Convention have been met in Syria and Iraq: Aid to the Church in Need.


COMECE hails condemnation of ISIS genocide

“So-called ISIS/Da’ish is committing genocide against Christians and Yazidis and other religious and ethnic minorities."


‘I come as a pilgrim of peace’ – Pope Francis in CAR

"To all those who make unjust use of the weapons of this world, I make this appeal: lay down these instruments of death!"


Memorial service for victims of Armenian genocide

“We are still faced with the question of the relationship between recognition and response in regard to these events" - Archbishop Michael Jackson.


Armenians in Ireland mark centenary of genocide

Weekend of events recalls the 1.5 million Armenians killed by the Ottoman Turks between 1915 and 1923.


Turkey hits back at Pope over Armenian genocide

Pontiff calls on heads of state and international organisations to recognise the truth of what happened in Armenian genocide in which 1.5m lost their lives.


Armenian Church in Ireland recalls 1915 genocide

Historian uses archives to shed new light on the genocide which saw one and a half million Armenians 'eradicated' by the Ottoman Empire.


Pope decries indifference to Mid East Christians

Pontiff and Vatican Secretary of State call for an adequate response to Christians' suffering by the international community to prevent new genocides.


End slow genocide of Iraq’s christians: Patriarch

Council of European Bishops’ Conferences demands action by UN on "atrocious actions against Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq".


Pope urges Church to help reconcile Rwanda

1994 genocide recalled as Rwandan bishops meet Pontiff in Rome.


Freedom to believe must be at heart of society: President

Higgins warns of a return to appalling racism in parts of Europe.


Situation in Central Africa precarious: UN chief

More aid needed to save lives and more troops and police to protect civilians: Ban Ki-moon.

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