May 2022: For Faith-Filled Young People
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
JANUARY | Religious discrimination and persecution
DECEMBER: Catechists
NOVEMBER: People who suffer from depression
OCTOBER: Missionary Disciples
SEPTEMBER: An Environmentally Sustainable Lifestyle
AUGUST: Church on the Way
JULY: Social Friendship
JUNE : The beauty of marriage
MAY: The world of finance
APRIL: Fundamental rights
MARCH: The sacrament of reconciliation
FEBRUARY: For women who are victims of violence
DECEMBER: For a life of prayer
NOVEMBER: Artificial Intelligence
"The OECD does surveys about this kind of thing, and discovers actually that families are having fewer children than they'd like because they can't afford it" – David Quinn.
JUNE : Compassion for the world
May: Deacons
April: Liberation from addictions
Catholics in China
Hear the cries of migrants
Everything worthwhile and lasting in the life of the Church, and in life in general, begins with reflection, prayer and the invocation of the Holy Spirit – Bishop Michael Router.
Promotion of World Peace
The future of the very young
We have been reflecting and discerning...about the future of first-class provision of philosophical, theological and pastoral formation for the whole Irish Church - Archbishop Eamon Martin
"The Church must learn anew the ability to speak the things of God – not to flee from the realities of life, but to challenge the men and women of our time and the culture of our time to become the seedbed of a new humanity."