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Pope Francis to sign new encyclical on 3 October in Assisi

Bishop of Assisi, Domenico Sorrentino, has said the town awaits the pope’s visit with “emotion and gratitude”.


Pope Francis appeals for fraternity in Yemen and Syria

In his traditional Christmas day Urbi et Orbi message, the Pontiff prayed that Syrians might “find fraternity after long years of war” and that Yemen’s recent truce would bring relief to its people and children “exhausted by war and famine”.


Pope urges Christians: Get involved personally with the poor

“We are so trapped in a culture that induces us to look in the mirror and pamper ourselves, that we think that an altruistic gesture is enough, without the need to get directly involved.”


Share your safety and hope with others this Christmas

Catholic and Church of Ireland Archbishops of Armagh appeal to "seek to bring 'safety' into the lives of those around us".


Pope shocked by ‘barbarous’ killing of Fr Jacques Hamel

“The Catholic Church has no other weapons but prayer and brotherhood among all peoples.”


Pope Francis deplores acts of terrorism in Munich and Kabul

“At this time, our spirit is once more shaken by the sad news relating to the deplorable acts of terrorism and violence which have caused suffering and death.”


Europe is a continent in crisis warns Pope Francis

“These walls are made of fear and aggression, a failure to understand people of different backgrounds or faith. They are walls of political and economic selfishness, without respect for the life and dignity of every person.”


Pope pays tribute to women missionaries

World Mission Sunday calls the church to ‘go out’ as missionary disciples to bring the message of God’s tenderness and compassion to the entire human family.


Do not be afraid to answer God’s call: Bishop Duffy

"For some, God is an irrelevance, for some an irritant and for others an invention. For those who have faith, God is the centre of all things.”


Culture of communion generates shared wealth

Addressing poverty, must centre on the premise of "building fraternity as equals, enabling participation and empowerment to take root": Dr Lorna Gold.


1916 centenary offers chance to rediscover values

Easter proclamation “would hardly have meant that in respecting differing lifestyles we prioritise adults over children” - Bishop Leahy.


St Teresa of Avila can help renew consecrated life

Pope Francis marks 500th anniversary of the Spanish nun, mystic and reformer of the Carmelite Order's birth in March 1515.


Tackle myth that religions lead to global conflicts

Bishop of Limerick tells Three Faiths Forum that religion has "a very valuable role to play in the transformation of conflict".


Redouble efforts to build fraternity: Church leaders

In wake of slaying of journalists at Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris, Pope Francis, French Imams and Church leaders appeal for solidarity with victims and growth in fraternity.


Pope focuses on slavery for World Day of Peace

This social plague remains all too real in today’s world Pontiff warns.


Policies needed that ensure access to health and education

Cardinal Brady discusses fraternity and the impasse in NI talks in New Year's homily.


Foster peace and reconciliation Archbishop urges

Children of wars among the largest group of victims in 2013.


Pope issues message for World Day of Peace

Pontiff warns of “tragic phenomenon” of human trafficking, in which the “unscrupulous prey on the lives and the desperation of others.”

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