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Fr Peter McVerry

Bro Kevin Crowley awarded Freedom of Dublin

Homeless campaigner and former soccer international honoured for "their work in the fields of social justice and sport”.


Homelessness campaigners on peace shortlist

Fr Peter McVerry, Sr Stan Kennedy and Bro Kevin Crowley nominated collectively for their efforts to tackle homeless crisis.


Govt must admit scale of homelessness: Jesuit

Rough sleeper count in Dublin showed 59 people were sleeping rough in Spring 2011; now it is estimated to be 150 in Dublin and up to 224 people nationally.


Visit K&L stand at Ploughing Championship: Bishop

Diocese heeds Pope's words about being in the market place and sets out stall with packed line up of events.


Plea from Archbishop Martin over wastage of food

It is “shameful” how much food is thrown away when so many do not have the necessary food to keep going.


Homelessness will increase warns Fr McVerry

2013 was a year marked by rising numbers of people presenting as homeless.


Homeless charity struggling to cope with demand

Fr Peter McVerry warning over "tsunami of homelessness".


Fr McVerry calls for Homeless Act as numbers double

Homeless Act would give homeless a legal right to suitable accommodation.


Maynooth to mark anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium

Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy one of the first issues considered by Vatican II.


Number of Schoolchildren Getting Drunk Down Slightly

Dublin to host major international conference on addiction and spirituality.


Homelessness “worse than ever” according to Fr McVerry

Jesuit urges Government to step up to its responsibilities to address the lack of housing.

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